2013 Mountain Dew Kickstart Multi-faceted Mobile Product Launch
2 Kickstart - A morning energy solution Millennials need a morning pick-me-up, yet aren’t drinking coffee or juice
Wake Up Mobile alarm clock (native function or 3 rd party app) Checks for messages Day Preparation Catches up on news (sports/entertainment) Quick video snacking Checks preferred social networks Commute Listens to music Mobile gaming News consumptions (Sports/entertainment ) Settling in News consumptions (Sports/entertainment) Checks social networks Video Snacking Music Streaming Mobile’s Role Within the Morning Routine
Digital Usage Throughout Target’s Day 5 Early Morning Morning Afternoon Evening
Strategy Drive awareness and trial through careful message placement throughout target’s morning routine 6 Consideration of device behavior in morning vs. evening: Day-part Targeting Morning = rigid behavior Video Content Integrations Evening = flexible behavior Rich Media Search/Social Couponing Data layering to reach secondary Hispanic target
Results: Day-Part Targeting as a tactic demonstrated completion rates over 90%, well surpassing Rhythm’s 80% benchmark Layering on additional targeting, such as Demo and/or Hispanic Targeting resulted in significant increases to interaction rate – ranging between 6-8% 7 Interactive In-Stream Video Tactics Utilized: Day-Part Targeting – Morning (focus on content such as News and Music) and Evening (focus on more Entertainment content) Contextual and Data Targeting to reach Men and Hispanics
8 Rhythm-built custom Rich Media Execution Tactics Utilized: Day-Part Targeting – Morning (focus on content such as News and Music) and Evening (focus on more Entertainment content) Contextual and Data Targeting to reach Men and Hispanics Results: Expansion rates between 51% and 64% for Rich Media Banner – with data targeted banners demonstrating higher results Post Expansion Interaction rates between 3% and 7%, with contextual alignment demonstrating higher results
Strategy: Leverage Apple’s Passbook app for seamless coupon distribution and redemption at Retail partner locations Geo-fencing around Retail locations 9 Retail Promotion – Mobile Couponing Step 1: Consumer clicks banner Step 2: User receives coupon offer Step 3: Users clicks “add” to save to Passbook
Mobile Gaming – Real Racing 3 Integration Kickstart Commuter Dash Overview: Kickstart branded track & car integrated into first game update Users received extra fame points for completed race between 7- 10am Branded video and interstitial placements Results: 2.1MM races completed by 1.2MM individuals (81% between 7- 10am) 100,000+ people purchased the Kickstart Car Post race and pause screen media generated 3MM + Clicks to mobile/tablet site 344K Video Views – 87% Completion Rate 10
11 The most successful CSD innovation of the past decade What’s Next? Evening Product Extension Mobile at the center of the brand’s marketing strategy