Welcome to Worship February 14, 2016
Clicker Check: If you are here, click “A” If you are not here, click “B-E”
a) Doing good for goodness sakes b) Preach the Gospel, use words if necessary c) Mission partners with evangelism d) You can be a Christian and never share the gospel e) All of the above
Missions without evangelism: A) Serves as temporary relief B) Has no eternal consequence C) Is easier D) All of the above E) I don’t know
Why do we do missions/evangelism? A) For goodness sakes B) To get more people to come to our church C) To pay our debt to God D) Because we are supposed to E) Because God loves, so should we
How often do you share your faith? A) Never B) Seldom-Never C) Not as much as I should D) Better than most, but could still improve E) I make the apostle Paul look timid
What is the fate of someone who is dies in their sin? Scripture: Luke 16:19-31
Two men die. Rich man (who apparently dies in his sins) goes to hell. Lazarus (who is apparently righteous) goes to heaven. In this parable they can see each other, but there is a big gulf between them.
a) To be saved b) For a little relief c) For company d) For forgiveness e) Nothing, he was having a great time.
a) To be allowed to warn others b) For company c) That Laz go warn his brothers d) That Laz dip his finger in water to calm his suffering e) Nothing, he was having a great time.
a) No, they have Moses and the Prophets (aka the Bible) b) No, even though it would make a difference c) No, they will be fine, they were not as bad as you d) Yes, but that wont help e) Maybe…
The rich man does not agree with Abe. Do you? Is the Bible really enough? Wouldn’t a supernatural event speak louder?
1) There is eternal consequences to how we live on earth (either heaven or hell) 2) (Hell) is so bad that you would not want anybody to go 3) (Heaven) seems to be pretty sweet 4) Once on the other side, its too late 5) There is something we can do about it now (hence the rich man wanted to warn bros)
If you have never accepted Christ, now is your chance. 2 Cor 6:1-2 We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain… Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. If you have, now its time to tell others. Matt 9:37-38 Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
Ask someone about their church. If they are un- churched, invite them. Extra credit: ask more…