Observing Inferring Predicting Classifying Making Models Communicating Scientific Skills Observing Inferring Predicting Classifying Making Models Communicating
1. Observing Using one or more of your senses to gather factual information
Observations are either: Quantitative - measures Example: The total length of the lizard is 21.5 centimeters.
or Observations are: Qualitative - describes Example: The texture of the lizard is rough and bumpy
Data – information, evidence, results
2. Inferring Example: Frogs come in many different sizes A logical explanation of an observation Example: Frogs come in many different sizes
An inference about a future event 3. Predicting An inference about a future event Example: The weather forecast for tomorrow is rain all day.
4. Classifying Grouping together items based on similarities
5.Making Models A representation of a complex object, process, or cycle; usually too large or too small to observe directly
6. Communicating Sharing of information, results, ideas with others
The Scientific Method Question – your focus point Hypothesis – what you think will happen Materials/Procedure – what you’ll need/ how you’ll do it Results – what happened; data Conclusion – what you learned; answers your question
Put the 5 steps of the Scientific Method in Order: ___ I think that salt water will freeze faster than fresh water. ___ I learned that fresh water will freeze faster than salt water. ___ 2 beakers, ½ liter fresh water, ½ liter salt water, freezer, timer Put ½ liter of salt water in a beaker and ½ liter fresh water in a beaker Put both beakers in the freezer side by side Check and make observations every 15 min. for an hour Record times and observations ___ Which will freeze faster, salt water or fresh water? ___ Start – both liquid 15 min. - both liquid 30 min.- salt water liquid / fresh water edges slightly frozen 45 min. – salt water liquid / fresh water beginning to freeze 60 min. – salt water liquid / fresh water frozen
Scientific Investigation Vocabulary Hypothesis – a prediction about the outcome of an experiment Variable – any factor that can change in an experiment Manipulated variable – the factor that you change Responding variable – the factor you measure or observe to obtain your results Operational definition – a statement that describes how a variable is to be measured or how a term is to be defined Controlled Experiment – an experiment in which all factors except one are kept constant Scientific Investigation Vocabulary
Scientific Skills Quiz What word can be used for information, evidence, or results? What system of measurement is used in Science? What type of observation is the following? The puma is a carnivore. What type of observation is the following? The capybara is 4 feet long. What is an inference about a future event? What is a logical explanation of an observation? What is it to group things based on similarities? What is it to share information, ideas, and or results? What is a representation of a complex object or process? What is gathering factual information using one or more of your senses? List the 5 steps of the Scientific Method in order. What is a variable? What is a manipulated variable? What is a responding variable? What is a controlled experiment?