August 2008 FORESTRY SAFETY Forestry Revision Committee May 2007
August 2008 TERMS ACCIDENT: any sudden or unintentional event that causes injury or property damage ANTISEPTIC: a substance such as alcohol, iodine or hydrogen peroxide applied to prevent infection.
August 2008 ANESTHETIC: a substance used to stop pain or itching. LACERATION: a cut, tear or mangled place. WOUND: a hurt or injury caused by cutting, stabbing or breaking, etc. HABITAT: areas where animals & plants naturally live or grow.
August 2008 HEAT CRAMPS: caused by loss of salt resulting in muscular pains & spasms. HEAT EXHAUSTION: feel weak, dizzy, sweaty, nauseous, pale or have cramps after being in the sun. HEAT STROKE: victim has extremely high body temperature & a failure of the sweating mechanism. CAN BE LIFE THREATENING!
August 2008 SAFETY: the action or condition of being safe, free from danger, risk or injury.
August 2008 HEAT Hot temperatures causes burns, cramps, exhaustion & heat strokes. PROTECTION: Proper clothing Knowing the signs Pacing yourself
August 2008 INSECTS Generally not life threatening but annoying during spring, summer & fall. PROTECTION: Knowing the dangerous insects & how to avoid them. Dress properly. Use chemical repellents.
August 2008 WILDLIFE Most wildlife will avoid humans and most are not a threat. PROTECTION: Be alert! Stay calm Wear proper clothing Use good judgment
August 2008 TOPOGRAPHIC HAZARDS Uneven ground, holes, rotten limbs & dead trees. Twisted or broken ankles or backs are common occurrences. PROTECTION: Recognize dangers in the forest Stay alert! Practice Safety
August 2008 FIRST AID The immediate, temporary care given to the victim of an accident or sudden illness until the services of a physician can be obtained. Can prevent infection, give comfort & assurance to a victim & in extreme cases can save an arm, leg or a life.
August 2008 FIRST AID KIT CONTENTS Antiseptic Adhesive bandages Gauze pads, various sizes Gauze rolls Triangular bandages for large wounds & slings Scissors
August 2008 FIRST AID KIT CONTENTS Tweezers Elastic bandages for sprains Snake bite kit Burn ointment Eye wash bottle Inflatable splint
August 2008 CAUSES OF ACCIDENTS Many accidents occur due to negligence of an individual or group. Not paying attention to hazards Distraction by someone else Lack of concentration on the job at hand MOSTLY BY PURE CARELESSNESS!!!
August 2008 HOW TO ELIMINATE HAZARDOUS SITUATIONS Stay alert & keep your mind on the job. Conduct yourself in a safe manner, NO HORSEPLAY! Look for potential hazards. Be aware of others & what they are doing. Use the proper tool for the job. Know the safety regulations for the tools & equipment you are using.
August 2008 Report defective tools & equipment to the instructor. ALWAYS REPORT ALL ACCIDENTS TO THE TEACHER, NO MATTER HOW SMALL OR INSIGNIFICANT IT MIGHT BE! Wear proper clothing & safety equipment in the field.
August 2008 SNAKES The best protection against snakes is to be alert at all times & wear snake leggings or snake boots.
August 2008 POISONOUS SNAKES Timber rattler or Canebreak rattler
August 2008 Cottonmouth moccasin
August 2008 Copperhead
August 2008 Red on yellow, kill a fellow! Coral snake
August 2008 SPIDER & OTHER INSECTS Seldom cause death by bites but it does occur. Prevalent in the forest of the Southeast Prevention includes keeping alert, watching where you sit or put your hands, use repellents.
August 2008 TICKS Carry Lyme disease which can be fatal Cause Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF), Tularemia & American Q fever PROTECTION: Keep pants tucked in, use repellents (DEET), wear light colored clothing
August 2008 FIRE ANTS 3 Species found in the South, 2 imported from South America & 1 native. Produce large mounds with thousands of insects. Very aggressive Attacks usually result in several stings PROTECTION: Keep alert and avoid disturbing mounds.
August 2008 SCORPIONS Stings can be painful Found in wooded areas, under leaves, fallen trees & stumps Some victims have severe reaction to stings PROTECTION: Keep alert, watch where you sit or put your hands
August 2008 Bees, wasps, yellow jackets & hornets Usually nest in hives in the ground, trees, bushes or old buildings or barns Very aggressive with multiple stings common Can cause allergic reactions in some victims PROTECTION: Keep alert and watch for nests or signs of insects Yellow jacket
August 2008 Hornets
August 2008 Wasps
August 2008 SPIDERS Can cause a number of symptoms from minor to severe swelling, itching, nausea, blistering & pain but are not generally serious. Two notable exceptions are the Black Widow, considered to be the most venomous spider in the U.S. & the Brown Recluse also called the Fiddleback spider.
August 2008 BLACK WIDOW Possess a neurotoxin that effects the central nervous system Bites are extremely dangerous and should seek medical attention immediately
August 2008 BROWN RECLUSE Poison is a necrotoxin which causes the surrounding area to decay Bites are extremely dangerous and should seek medical attention immediately Also known as the fiddleback spider
August 2008 SADDLEBACK CATERPILLAR Found on underside of leaves of trees or bushes Stings victims when touched or disturbed Burning sensation when stung PROTECTION: long sleeved shirts
August 2008 POISONOUS PLANTS Poison Ivy: usually vines found on trees but can appear as a bush; smooth margin leaves in groups of 3’s; produces berries that can cause outbreaks
August 2008 Poison Oak: usually small bushes, 3-lobed leaves
August 2008 Poison sumac
August 2008 POSIONOUS PLANTS PROTECTION: Keep skin covered & avoid plants with 3- leaf clusters Wash hands with soap & water if you contact the plant Do not burn poison ivy or oak. Smoke can blister the lungs causing illness & sometimes death
August 2008 TOPOGRAPHIC HAZARDS Hazards found in the forest from terrain, dead trees, streams & objects found in forest settings. The ability to recognize dangerous situations in the forest is the best safety factor. Stay alert Use caution Use good judgment
August 2008 THINGS TO BE AWARE OF! Dead snags or limbs hung up in the canopy that could fall on you. Stump holes & old wells. Bluffs or sudden drop-offs. Deep ponds or creeks. Vines & briars that can snag you. Loose rocks or soil. Low hanging limbs.