Bellwork Create 2 exploration/colonization multiple choice questions 2 خلق الاستكشاف / أسئلة الاختيار المتعدد الاستعمار Kreye / kolonizasyon kesyon chwa miltip 2 eksplorasyon
Table of contents 11/13 Columbian exchange Map كولومبوس الصرف خريطة Kolonbyen Map echanj Page 37 11/13 Mercantilism notes الملاحظات المذهب التجاري nòt mèkantilis Page 38
Columbian Exchange Map Get three different color Markers or Crayons
Mercantilism Notes page 37 Two column notes QuestionAnswer to question
Why do countries want colonies? ► The money a colony makes goes to the mother country. ► produces $$$$ for England. Beginning around 1650, the British government pursued a policy of mercantilism in international trade.
What is Mercantilism? Mercantilism is theory that states a nation becomes stronger by keeping strict control over its trade a nation should have more exports than imports the English passed laws exclusively benefiting the British economy. trade system
What are Imports and Exports? ► Export – Goods sent to market outside of a country or colony. Exports earn you money (+). ► Import – Goods brought into a country. Imports require you spend money
What did mercantilism have to do with the Triangular Trade system? ► British mercantilism showed itself in the form of the triangular trade. Trade routes linked the American Colonies, West Indies, Africa, and England. Mercantilism and the Triangle Trade Increase the Slave Trade
Exit Ticket Create a comic strip explaining what the Columbian exchange and mercantilism is.