Sherry Green May 2013 Grand Canyon University SOCRATIVE: A Student Response System Program
What is Socrative
Two Major Assessment Methods Single Question AssessmentQuiz Based
Impact Instruction Real time Feedback from Students to ascertain whether they understand the content objective Teachers Can analyze data by instantly view students’ response or have results sent as an Teachers can adjust their instructions to address struggling or advanced learners
Cost and System Requirements The program is free Create an account Can run on laptops, tablets, smartphones, and an device that has an Internet connection capabilities
Advantages of Socrative Interactive Peer Engagement Critical Thinking Skills VAK Learners
Disadvantages of Socrative Time consuming (Create a new quiz) Lack of Internet connection Explanatory feature
Resources Socrative and Getting Started Socrative video Homepage
References Hollis, J (2012). Real-time Assessment on the SMARTboard. Retrieved from -smartboard.html/ -smartboard.html/ Hollis, J (2012). Real-time Assessment on the SMARTboard. Retrieved from on-the-ipad/ on-the-ipad/ Present.Me (2013).