Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain.


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Presentation transcript:

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. Name and define one of the Five Causes of Industrialization.

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. Name and define one of the Five Causes of Industrialization.

: ANSWER : The 5 Causes of Industrialization are… 1.Machines: New technology that allows products to made faster and easier 2.Manpower: Increased population to operate machines and purchase products 3.Materials: Natural resources (like coal, cotton, and iron) that are used to make machines or new products 4.Money: Also called “capital,” money is needed to pay for new businesses or machines 5.Markets: Places/people to sell the products created with new technology

: ANSWER : The 5 Causes of Industrialization are… 1.Machines: New technology that allows products to made faster and easier 2.Manpower: Increased population to operate machines and purchase products 3.Materials: Natural resources (like coal, cotton, and iron) that are used to make machines or new products 4.Money: Also called “capital,” money is needed to pay for new businesses or machines 5.Markets: Places/people to sell the products created with new technology

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. Give an example from the Industrial Revolution of machines

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. Which of the 5 M’s does this image show:

: ANSWER : Examples of new machines created during the Industrial Revolution: – Steam Engine – Spinning Jenny (used to make thread) – Cotton Gin – Railroads – Steam ship (faster boat)

: ANSWER : This image is showing a handful of coal. Coal was a natural resource used to fuel the steam engine. This is an example of materials, also called “natural resources”

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. Which of the 5 M’s does this image show:

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. Name and describe one of the two causes of increased population (manpower) in Great Britain during the Industrial Revolution.

: ANSWER : This image is showing a British Trade ship, powered by a steam engine. Steam engines were a machine that was created during the Industrial Revolution that gave Great Britain an advantage. This could also be an example of the new markets that Britain gained because it was able to travel the world and conquer colonies.

: ANSWER : The population of England’s cities grew for two main reasons: – Agricultural Revolution: during this time more food was produced and it was better food than people had access to before. This was the result of new farming techniques. As a result, people lived longer and fewer babies died. – Enclosure Movement: Wealthy landowners purchased land from peasants, and forced the peasants to leave and find work elsewhere. As a result, more people moved into cities looking for jobs in factories.

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. Explain what “land” means and how it helps a nation industrialize

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. Explain what “labor” means and how it helps a nation industrialize

: ANSWER : This factor of production includes the land on which farms and factories are built, as well as the natural resources that are available. Land helps a nation to industrialize because factories need a place to go, and farms are needed in order to feed a population. In addition, new products must be made from something. The more resources a nation has, the easier it will be for it to industrialize. Great Britain had access to land and many natural resources, which is why it industrialized easily.

: ANSWER : This factor includes the manpower that is needed to operate machines in factories. The more people a nation has, the more and faster it can produce goods.

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. Explain what “capital” means and how it helps a nation industrialize

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. Explain what “entrepreneurship” means and how it helps a nation industrialize

: ANSWER : Capital is another word for money. Money (or capital) is needed so that new businesses can be created, new factories built, new technologies experimented with and developed, etc. The more people that are willing to invest (spend) capital, the better off a nation will be as it industrializes.

: ANSWER : Entrepreneurship is another word for “big ideas” or “inventions.” During the Industrial Revolution, many new inventions were created that allowed word to be done faster and easier. A nation needs entrepreneurship if it is going to have new ideas and make money on new business ideas.

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. Give an example from the Industrial Revolution of materials

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. What is this a picture of? Explain how it relates to the Industrial Revolution.

: ANSWER : Examples of materials used in the Industrial Revolution: – Coal – Iron (used to make steel) – Cotton

: ANSWER : This is a picture of a factory. During the Industrial Revolution many new inventions were created (e.g., steam engine, spinning jenny) that allowed products to be made in factories instead of at home by hand. In addition, many people moved into cities, and looking for jobs in factories.

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. What was the Agricultural Revolution? Why was it important to the Industrial Revolution?

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. What is an enclosure? Why were they important to the Industrial Revolution?

: ANSWER : The Agricultural Revolution was when many new farming techniques were tested for the first time. For example, crop rotations and the seed drill. As a result, more food was produced and it was of a higher quality. This led to a population boom, which increased the number of people available to work and purchase goods.

: ANSWER : Enclosures were large farms purchased by wealthy landowners. These areas provided the space for inventions and ideas (like crop rotations) to be tested during the Agricultural Revolution. However, they were created by pushing poor peasants off their land. As a result, many peasants moved into cities looking for jobs in factories.

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. Why was coal useful during the Industrial Revolution?

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. Why was iron useful during the Industrial Revolution?

: ANSWER : Coal was burned to create the heat that fueled steam engines. Steam engines were used to power many new inventions, including machines in factories, rail roads, and steam ships.

: ANSWER : Iron can be refined to create steel. Steel was the main material that the new machines created during the Industrial Revolution were made out of. Steel was also used to build new taller buildings.

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. Great Britain was the first nation to industrialize, partly because it had access to new markets. Explain what these new markets were or where they were.

Quiz Quiz Trade! DIRECTIONS: 1.Read the following question to your partner. 2.Check their answer (on the back) 3.If they get it wrong, you must explain why their response is incorrect. : QUESTION. List one of the 4 Factors of Production. Match it with one of the 5M’s.

: ANSWER : A market is a place where goods (products) are bought and sold. Great Britain had new markets because it could travel the world on steam ships and conquered new territories (called colonies). There was also a new market in Great Britain itself since the population was increasing.

: ANSWER : Machines (Entrepreneurship) Manpower (Labor) Materials (Land) Money (Capital) Markets (Capital)