Study Guide for the Quiz Answer Key
Africa was almost completely colonized by European countries by 1913.
The belief that one race is superior to others is racism and usually based on the color of one’s skin.
This is when 14 European nations met in Berlin to lay down the rules for the division of Africa.
The European nations divided the continent with little thought about how African ethnic or linguistic groups were distributed. They agreed that an European countyr could claim land in Africa by notifying other nations of its cliams and showing that it could control the area.
The seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country
Many nations looked to Africa as a source of raw materials and a market for industrial products
Shaka Zulu
The four types of imperialism are: Colony Protectorate Sphere of influence Economic Imperialism
Foreign officials brought in to rule (saw Africans as unable to run country) No self-rule Goal: assimilation Government based only on European styles
Governing people in a parental way by providing for their needs, but not giving them any rights. You’re watching over them and taking care of them like a parent does for a child.
The policy that over time the local population of a controlled area would adopt the culture and become like the European nation ruling
It was difficult because it was very culturally diverse – over 250 different groups with different language, culture and religion
They were drawn with no reason so they are said to be arbitrarily imposed.
He was a successful British business man who owned the larges diamond company in the world and a major supporter of British expansion
A. Industrial Revolution – As European nations industrialized, they searched for new markets and raw materials to improve their economies B. National Pride – Europeans viewed an empire as a measure of national greatness. Each country was determined to plant its flag on as much of the world as possible
C. Racism and Social Darwinism Europeans thought they were better than other people Racism – the belief that one race is superior to others Social Darwinism - Social Darwinism was a social theory that applied Darwin’s survival of the fittest to human society – those fittest for survival enjoyed wealth and success and were considered superior; non-Europeans were considered lower culturally and physically because they had not made the technological and scientific progress that Europe had. Europeans believed they had the right and duty to bring the results of their progress to other countries
D – Missionaries - wanted to spread Christianity and “civilize” (meaning Westernize) people of foreign lands
Technological superiority – Maxim automatic machine gun vs outdated weapons Means to control their empire – invention of steam engine allowed them to establish bases of control deep in Africa; railroads, cables, and steamships allowed close communication between colony and controlling nation Drug to protect from malaria Conditions within Africa: huge variety of languages and wars between ethnic groups over land, water and trade rights and cultures discouraged unity
Reduced local warfare Humanitarian efforts in some areas improved sanitation, hospitals, schools Result of humanitarian efforts was that literacy rated improved Economic expansion as African goods became valued on international market Infrastructure improvements which included railroads, dams, and telephone and telegraph line
African lost control of their land and independence Thousands died from resisting the Europeans Many died from new diseases such as smallpox Famines resulted from the change to cash crops in place of subsistence agriculture Suffered from a breakdown on their traditional cultures: Homes and property were taken Men forced to leave villages to find work Admiration of European life undermined stable societies and caused identity problems for the Africans
Most Harmful: The division of the African continent Long-term rivals often united or kinship groups were split between the colonies Artificial boundaries combined or unnaturally divided groups, creating problems that for the nations that evolved from the former colonies.