Internet Quiz Made by Rahil
You have got got 5 new s! Press the No button to say no and the yes to say yes! Shivam: Hi, How u doing? YesNo Hi From Kim YesNo You’ve won $10,000!!! YesNo Your Stupid. YesNo You’ve won a Special Edition Minecraft Pack! YesNo
You have got got 5 new s! Press the No button to say no and the yes to say yes!
You’re playing Minecraft With your friends and a ad pops up saying: Tell me! Free ringtone!!!!!! Get it, I’ts a sweet ringtone! Close the ad Meh……… Is this a trick Question?
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? You just saw a violent video. What do you do?? Close it and pretend it did’nt happen Watch it again Minimise the window and tell your parents Wait what were you saying?
You’re at home and you’re doing an activity. Your friend asks you for your Ultranet password. Dun Dun Dun! Get that Star!! Give it, I really want that star! Don’t give it I don’t know I’m sorry, what?
You’re on a website and someone gave you an on your opinion on this website. You think its really bad. What do you do? Ok seriously…….. You have a really bad website You have such a good website Would you like any help with some codes? Lalalalalalalallalalalalalala. Wait, what?
U r a big idiot. Stupid guy. Loser. Nahnahnahn ahnah! Its……. MAILTIME!!!!!!!!! You have a new message. U r a big idiot. Stupid guy. Loser. Nahnahnahn ahnah! Delete it Save it and tell your parents Reply saying the same thing Nahnahnahnahnah! Ummmmm?...
Some websites are not safe. Have a look at the websites below…… Lets play Halo……….
Would you let your parents go onto your ultranet account? Ultra, Ultra, ULTRANET! Uhhhhhhhhhh Yes, they are my parents I trust them No, NEVER!!!!!!!!! Yes, but only when I’m around I think the best thing about room 10… wait what quiz is this?
Room 10 Rocks!!!!Powerpoint: Rahil Pictures: Lightshot Inspiration from: Kids Quiz- Cybersmart Ending Video: Stampylonghead – Quest to build smoochs house Game: Minecraft – Phone picture: Canon Powershot A2200