FloodZoom - Update Flood Forum Victoria 14 November 2014
FloodZoom Purpose –Collate, assess and share flood behaviour data to inform land use planning, community awareness, and emergency response planning and operations –Create location specific content for community warnings and messages Scope –Land use planning: Catchment Management Authorities –Response planning: VICSES/CMAs –Response operations: Flood Specialist/Intelligence
FloodZoom Engagement –Consulted widely on requirements and interfaces –EMV/SCC: EMCOP & Flood Specialist Working Group –VICSES: VHQ & Regions –CMAs and MW: Floodplain Managers –VICSES Services Panel
Data collation Spatial data layers: –Gridded flood data, Gauge linked extents, DEM, Levee, property data and coastal inundation Document management –Study reports, response plans, intelligence cards Time-series data –Real time/ historical river heights, flows and rainfall Relationships between data types
Data collation