Welfare Reform Carers Reference Group
Employment Support Allowance (The sickness benefit) ESA: 2 Types Contrib and Income related Migration of Incap/IS claimants to ESA continues until March 2014 May 2012 Contrib ESA limited to 1yr for those in work related activity group Monies stopped but still unfit May be able to claim (ir)ESA
Employment Support Allowance Sanctions Applies all claimants in work related activity group regardless of type of ESA (90% of claimants) Fail to take part in work focused interviews or undertake work related activity (without good cause) Penalty: loss of £71.70 pr week for as long as don’t participate plus 1, 2 or 4wk addition Appealable decisions Possibility of hardship payments in limited circs HB should continue during sanction
Housing Benefit: Bedroom Tax April 2013: Social Sector: Size Restriction Entitlement for working age claimants reflect household size (16 – Pension Credit qualifying age) Size Criteria applies 1 spare bedroom 14% cut in rent allowed for HB 2 or more spare 25% reduction applied Options: Discretionary Housing Payment’s and/or Appeals
Housing Benefit Size Restrictions: Bedroom Tax 1 bedroom per Adult couple Any other adult aged 16 or over Any 2 children of same sex under 16 Any 2 children regardless of sex under 10 Any other children Foster children* Disabled Child* Non resident carers*
Housing Benefit Size Restrictions: Bedroom Tax Carer Additional bedroom in size criteria for a non resident carer where the need for overnight care has been established and arranged Claimant or partner is on AA or DLA Care M or H rate or if not in receipt Can provide evidence to LA they require overnight care Only applies where HB claimant or partner need care
Housing Benefit: Discretionary Housing Payments DHP’s intended to assist those who require further financial assistance with housing costs It’s a cash limited pot Large demand on cash so need to make the case that claimants situation a priority Download claim form Phone for form or collect from local Revs and Bens offices Local office staff will assist with forms
Housing Benefit Appeals Social Work Welfare Rights Appeals Team Appeal letters on Council website Offers all residents of the city representation Welfare Rights Appeals Team (Soc Work) Other advice agencies
Disability Living Allowance/PIP DLA a pivotal benefit for income maximisation 10/6/2013 introduction of Personal Independence Payments as replacement for DLA (for adults) Possibly 500,000 fewer entitled to PIP New assessment process (similar to esa and points based) Very likely claimants will face consultation
Disability Living Allowance / Personal Independence Payments Transfer of existing DLA claimants in 2 runs 7 Oct 2013 Oct 2015 – Oct 2017 Claimants invited to claim PIP No automatic entitlement from DLA to PIP DLA ends if do not take up invite (8 wks) New claimants (ie not already getting DLA) need to claim PIP before intro of Univ Credit
Social Fund / Scottish Welfare Fund April 2013 Abolition of Comm Care Grants and elements of Crisis Loans Replaced by Scottish Welfare Fund (Comm Care Grants and Crisis Grants) Sits in GCC (Grant Services Team ) Can claim online Budgeting Loans/Short term Advances still exist and can be claimed from DWP
Universal Credit Means tested (£6,000 - £16,000) People of working age (18 – Pen Credit qualify age) Replace IS, (ib) JSA, (ir) ESA, HB and both types of Tax credits Single Payment Paid monthly Administered by DWP Claim online
Universal Credit Basic Allowance Additions for children, disability*, caring and housing costs Disability additions not linked to DLA or PIP Linked to ESA tests Changes to non dep deductions for housing Timetable???
Change to Appeal Procedure 28 Oct 2013 Negative decision (all DWP bens except UC and PIP already introduced) 1 st step mandatory reconsideration (to DWP) 2 ND Step Lodge separate appeal with Courts and Tribunal Service
Accessing Services Carers Centres/Carers Support Teams If you receive a social work service Contact worker who may make referral to WRO GAIN ( Glasgow Advice and Information Network) Some Housing Association provide services Charitable bodies