G ODLY M AN (M AN OF G OD ) Scripture Reading: Matthew 4:18-22 Key Verse: Matthew 4:19—Then He said to them, “Follow me and I’ll make you fishers of men.” Introduction: Have you ever played “follow the leader”? Background: Jesus completed 40 days of fasting, was tempted by the devil, and began preaching “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Main Point: A godly man (man of God) is a man who follows and imitates of Jesus.
A GODLY MAN ( MAN OF G OD ) FOLLOWS AND IMITATES J ESUS : 1.By having a relationship with God. John 1:12, Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:35, Romans 10:17, Luke 5:16 a)Through hearing the Gospel b)Through repenting c)Through accepting and receiving Jesus as their personal savior d)They maintain their relationship with God. (D AUGHTERS AND S ONS OF G OD GROW INTO MEN AND WOMEN OF G OD.) Illustration: Lecrae’s song: “I want to be like you”
A GODLY MAN ( MAN OF G OD ) FOLLOWS AND IMITATES J ESUS 2. By exhibiting the character of God. Galatians 5:22-23 Illustration: When you squeeze a fruit what happens?
A GODLY MAN ( MAN OF G OD ) FOLLOWS AND IMITATES J ESUS 3. By being influenced by the Spirit of God (Holy Spirit). (Under the influence) Ephesians 5:15-19 (18) Matthew , a)Being sensitive and open to the leading, the guidance, direction, prompting, unction, and movement of the Holy. b)Obeying the Holy Spirit. Illustration: Song: “When the Spirit the of the Lord…”
A GODLY MAN ( MAN OF G OD ) FOLLOWS AND IMITATES J ESUS 4. By impacting people’s lives by his relationship or walk with God Matthew 5:16 Acts 10:38, Philippians 2:5-7 a)Being light and salt b)Being a person of good deeds c)Having the right attitude and spirit d)Going the extra mile, going beyond the call of duty, and practicing selflessness