Jesus’ Aria John & Revelation Second Sunday of Easter April 3, 2016 The days are coming When God’s Glory will appear Out of the midst of pain And we will sing a new song!
John Jesus’ Resurrection Voice The Great Commission in John’s Gospel, vv19-23 Incarnational (cf ) Spirit-Led (cf ) Forgiveness (see ) The Great Moment of Belief, vv Doubt in the Resurrection transforms into Proclamation of Lordship The Great Purpose of John’s Gospel, vv30-31 That we might believe (lit. “faith it”) Jesus is Messiah & Son of God, and have life Image accessed 29 March 2016 at john lectionary.html john lectionary.html
Revelation The Song’s Beginning and Ending John’s Trinitarian Greeting to the Churches, vv4-5a God’s eternal grace & peace The “sevenfold” Spirit who inhabits the church Jesus: Martyr. Resurrected. Lord John’s Christocentric Teaching to the Churches, vv5b-8 Jesus loves us and calls us to a priestly vocation Jesus is returning as Lord Jesus is the punctuation marks of history Gail Schimberg, Jesus is Alpha and Omega. Icon (2014). Accessed on 30 March 2016 at omega-gail-schimberg.html omega-gail-schimberg.html
The Lyrics of the Gospel Aria… We are commissioned to live a life of forgiveness in the midst of our doubts…because that is the path to belief We are reminded to live as if the Holy Spirit resides in the midst of the congregation…because God works through in the world through the Church We are called to a new vocation… because we are priests preparing God’s Creation for the return of King Jesus Image accessed 30 March 2016 at
For Further Reflection… As we continue to celebrate the Resurrection: Who is God asking you to forgive? How is Jesus speaking to you through your doubts? What is the Holy Spirit saying to the Church? What is your life vocation? Icon. The Risen Christ Jesus raises Adam and Eve from the Dead defeating Death itself. Accessed 31 March 2016 at celebrating-easter-tonight/ celebrating-easter-tonight/
One More Thing… “To a dying world we proclaim the good news of life in Christ. Death no longer need have the last word, for Jesus is risen from the dead…There is purpose, there is hope, there is life for men and women of faith.” -- Paul Beasley-Murray, The Message of the Resurrection, IVP, 2000