Rome reached it’s peak in 117 A.D., after that, stopped expanding. Means no new wealth sources being found so used the old and old ran out. Since there was no new wealth, taxes were raised. Constant war and land overuse hurt agriculture so food supply was limited No Money + No Food = Angry People
Constant fighting with northern Germanic tribes and Huns from the East. Fighting required larger armies so hired mercenaries (soldier for hire) Mercenaries had no loyalty to Rome Soldiers became less disciplined and loyal and more willing to follow a general than the Emperor. General + loyal army = dead emperor
Empire got so big, it was hard for the government to know where problems were.big Officials were corrupt and out to help themselves, not the citizens. In 49 year time span, Rome had 37 emperors, 34 died in civil wars or assassination Too big + disloyal to empire = dead Emperorsdead Emperors
285 A.D.- Diocletian splits the Empire because couldn’t control it at it’s size. He takes East (richer, better trade), friend Maximian takes West 330 A.D.-capital of Rome moved to the East at Byzantium by Emperor Constantine. Changes name to Constantinople. 476 A.D.-Western Roman Empire falls when German military leader Odoacer gets rid of Roman leader.
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On copy paper, draw a cartoon that reflects the three reasons why Rome started to decline. You can › draw one cartoon that shows/discusses all three › Draw three cartoons, one for each reason › Or draw a comic strip that shows/discusses all three Final product doesn’t need color but should have dialogue and done with best effort. Will put in floppy folder and graded when I check floppy folders.
Pick one of the three reasons and explain how it can lead to the fall of an empire.
Legacy means anything handed down from the past So the legacy of Rome are the parts of that empire that we still use today We are going to focus on 3 Roman Legacies › Architecture › Government and Law Structure › Catholic Church
New designs like arches, vaults (arch that forms a ceiling), and domes Created concrete, a “light” and strong building material These new designs helped create larger, taller, safer buildings Made aqueducts that brought water to the cities Made quality roads that had multiple layers, large, paved.
So, how is Roman Architecture a legacy? In other words, how do we use it today? Think of specific examples, more than just “we have roads.”
A republic is a form of government in which power resides in elected individuals representing the citizen body It had legislative, executive, judicial branches Law ideas such as equal treatment under the law, innocent until proven guilty, trial by jury and judge
So, how is Roman Government and Law Structure a legacy? In other words, how do we use it today? Think of specific examples, more than just “we have government and laws.”
313 A.D. Emperor Constantine converts to Christianity and makes it the official religion of the Roman Empire. Christian church become known as the Catholic Church; “Catholic” means “universal” When Germans get rid of last Roman emperor, leaves Rome without a strong leader. The Pope (leader of Catholic Church) fills that void, gains great power through the years, and great affects European history
So, how is Roman Catholic Church a legacy? In other words, how do we use it today? Think of specific examples, more than just “we have churches.”
Of the three legacies discussed today, which one do YOU personally use the most?
Each person gets a worksheet about the three legacies we discussed yesterday. Individually, read the worksheet and come up with 5 questions in the space provided. You should have 2 “Level 1”questions, 2 “Level 2” questions, and 1 “Level 3”questions. Then, on the top half of your prepared piece of paper, write the answers to these questions. After 20 minutes, you will switch QUESTIONS with a partner in your group, and attempt to answer your partners questions on the bottom half of your paper. This will take 10ish minutes. Then, you will discuss your questions and answers. If time permits, we will share our questions with the class
Early Christians disagreed over the divinity of Jesus. Some said fully human, some said fully God, some said fully human and fully God. Council called, met at Nicea, and adopted a statement of beliefs called the Nicene Creed. Most Christians accepted it. Icons-a holy image Western Europe liked icons; seen as way to teach about God and a pathway to God Byzantine did not like icons; seemed like worshipping idols; some became iconoclasts (image breakers), going into churches and breaking icons Eventually, iconoclasts pushed out but bitterness between West and East Christians there.
Healing of the Paralytic, Dura Europos church c. AD 240
The next slide shows part of the Nicene Creed. Look for the statement that corresponds with your group. Read the statement, then (when prompted) interpret as a group.
1 We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen. 2 We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, one in Being with the Father 3 For us men and for our salvation He came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit He was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man. 4 For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered, died, and was buried. 5 On the third day He rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures; He ascended into heaven and is seated on the right hand of the Father. 6 He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end.
In beginning, bishops ruled a single church. Then, he took charge of all churches in a city. Then, all the churches in a region. Bishops of 5 most important cities (Constantinople, Rome, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem) known as patriarchs. Patriarch of Rome claimed authority over all and called the Pope (father of the church). Byzantine Roman Emperor and Byzantine Church did NOT like this.
Why did the Byzantine Empire and Church NOT like it when the Rome Patriarch claimed authority over all Christians?
1054 A.D. the Christian church split into 2, called the Great Schism (split) Eastern Church became Eastern Orthodox Church, emperor was head of church, patriarch of Constantinople was highest official, spoke Greek. Western Church became Roman Catholic Church, pope was head of church and highest official, claimed authority over all nonreligious rulers, spoke Latin.
1. If the Emperor is the head (in charge) of the church, what could be some implications of that authority? 2. If the Pope has authority over the Emperor, what could be some implications of that authority?
Pick a partner (of your choosing; doesn’t have to be in your group) Decide if you are writing a Song, Poem, or Rap. Decide your topic › The Fall of the Roman Empire › The Legacy of Rome › Justinian › The Division of the Church Write a 10 line (5 lines per person) Song, Poem, or Rap. You have 30ish minutes to write your song, poem, or rap. Then we will perform If you write a Song (and actually sing) or a Rap (and actually rap) you will get extra points.
Do NOT talk until everyone is done. You may indeed write on the quiz When you receive the test, write the top right hand number in the period spot of your bubble sheet When you are done taking the quiz, raise your hand and I will take the quiz from you. You may then work on other work, read, draw, even sleep but do NOT talk until everyone is done with the quiz.