Belgrade, 2/4/2013 Pedro Rosado Martín. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente España Import requirements of aquaculture animals for farming, relaying and put and take fisheries
Trade of aquatic animals and products is the world's most traded food commodity Movements of live aquatic animals are considered to carry a high likelihood of pathogen spread parasites: GS viruses: ISA, KHV, SVC, WSSV EUS Trade measures to control these risks
Despite these measures, pathogens may spread Illegal movements Movements of animals incubating the disease Movements of animals reared under environmental conditions where the disease was not apparent Movements of products Poor implementation of trade measures
Legal basis General principles Animal health conditions to export to the EU Overview
Council Directive 2006/88/EC on animal health requirements for aquaculture animals and products derived thereof, and on the prevention and control of certain diseases in aquatic animals Commission Regulation (EC) No 1251/2008 implementing Council Directive 2006/88/EC as regards conditions and certification requirements for the placing on the market and the imports Legal basis
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1251/2008 Annex IV, Part A: model certificate for the imports of aquaculture animals for farming, relaying, put and take fisheries and open ornamental facilities Annex IV, Part B : model certificate for the imports of aquatic animals intended for closed ornamental facilities Legal basis
Farming: the rearing of aquaculture animals in a farm or mollusc farming area Put and take fisheries: ponds or other installations where the population is maintained only for recreational fishing by restocking with aquaculture animals Relaying area: freshwater, sea, estuarine or lagoon are with boundaries clearly marked and used exclusively for the purification of molluscs SAME ANIMAL HEALTH REQUIREMENTS! Restocking: release of animals into the wild Relevant definitions
EU import policy Fully harmonised In line with WTO and SPS Third country listing/FVO General principles
Fully harmonised Same imports requirements are applied by all MS Basic import requirements are similar to all exporting countries Considering the particular animal health situation of the exporting country there may be particular import requirements General principles
In line with WTO and SPS Import conditions are based on well known international standards: OIE Animal health rules in exporting country may be different to EU rules but need to achieve same goals: Equivalence General principles
Third country listing Applicable to fish, mollusc or crustacean of aquaculture origin: For farming purposes For ornamental animals intended for closed ornamental facilities General principles
For farming purposes Animal health status (farmed and wild animals) Animal health legislation Structure and powers of the competent veterinary authority: Key issue Structure and geographical deployment Training of the staff Access to laboratories Without conflicts of interest Legal powers Imports: third country listing
For farming purposes Assurances which the competent veterinary authority can give regarding compliance or equivalence with Community animal health conditions. Rules and controls on the importation from other countries Contingency planning For certain ornamental aquatic animals only OIE membership is required In most cases, an on-the-spot inspection by FVO is required before approval can be considered Imports: third country listing
Role of the FVO Part of DG SANCO (European Commission) FVO carries out inspections in third countries to verify compliance with rules They prepare public reports on the inspections They suggest recommendations to third countries They control the implementation of the recommendations Imports: third country listing
List Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1251/2008 Countries, zones or compartments OIE membership for imports of ornamental aquatic animals intended for closed ornamental facilities Fish of non susceptible species Molluscs and crustaceans Imports: third country listing
Imports: animal health conditions General requirements: applicable to all species Clinical inspection Not subject to any prohibitions due to unresolved increased mortality Not intended for destruction or slaughter for the eradication of diseases Originate from farms under the control of the CA In the case of molluscs, were subject to an individual check and no other molluscs were detected in the consignment
Imports: animal health conditions Disease specific requirements: Applicable to susceptible/vector species Freedom at origin when are to be introduced in a disease free area or under a programme Freedom always required for exotic diseases regardless final destination in the EU If this is not feasible quarantine may be a possibility for: Wild susceptible species vectors
Imports: animal health conditions Requirements for susceptible species to EHN, Bonamia exitiosa, Perkinsus marinus, Mikrocytos mackini, Taura syndrome and/or Yellowhead disease Either Disease freedom and disease is notifiable, susceptible species introduced in the area are sourced for disease free areas non vaccination policy the area Or Quarantine for wild aquatic animals
Imports: animal health conditions Requirements for vector species to EHN, Bonamia exitiosa, Perkinsus marinus, Mikrocytos mackini, Taura syndrome and/or Yellowhead disease Either Disease freedom and disease is notifiable, susceptible species introduced in the area are sourced for disease free areas non vaccination policy the area Or Quarantine
Imports: animal health conditions Requirements for susceptible species to VHS, IHN, ISA, KHV, Bonamia ostreae, Marteilia refringens, and/or White spot disease Either Disease freedom and disease is notifiable, susceptible species introduced in the area are sourced for disease free areas non vaccination policy the area Or Quarantine for wild aquatic animals
Imports: animal health conditions Requirements for vector species to VHS, IHN, ISA, KHV, Bonamia ostreae, Marteilia refringens, and/or White spot disease Either Disease freedom and disease is notifiable, susceptible species introduced in the area are sourced for disease free areas non vaccination policy the area Or Quarantine
Imports: animal health conditions Requirements for susceptible species to SVC, BKD, IPN, GS Similar conditions or In the case of SVC, BKD, IPN Comprises one single farm which has been Emptied, cleansed and disinfected and fallowed in at least 6 weeks Restocked with certified disease free animals In the case of GS Animals held in in water with a salinity of at least 25 ppt for 14 days Eyed fsh eggs: disinfected
Imports: animal health conditions Animal imported shall not be released in the wild unless authorised by the CA
Imports: ornamental aquatic animals Intended for open ornamental facilities Same rules as for consignments intended for farming Intended for closed ornamental facilities Quarantine is always an option
Many thanks for your attention