Solar -Photovoltaic Jasmine Bond
Description & Location Photovoltaic (PV) devices generate electricity directly from sunlight via an electronic process that occurs naturally in certain types of minerals, called semiconductors. PV systems are Primarily. Found. In the desert southwest.
Ways we turn Energy Sources into Energy we can use Electrons in this material are being freed by solar energy and can be induced to travel through an electrical circuit, powering electrical devices or sending electricity the grid.
Projections for future use Project for future use of solar pv is to incorporate more solar into more buildings beyond panels placed upon the roof. ( ex. Solar shingles) Solar balloons Solar roadways Solar windows Solar film Solar orbs Solar cars
Economic Advantages Operating and maintenance cost for pv panels are considered to be low, almost negligible compared to the cost of renewable energy systems.
Environmental advantages Pv panels are clean – green Energy Can be made anywhere there is sunlight
Economic Disadvantage PV systems are fragile and can be damaged relatively easily, additional insurance costs are therefore of ultimate importance to safeguard a pv investment.
Environmental disadvantages Solar energy has intermittency issues ; not shining at night, but also during daytime there may be cloudy or rainy weather. Solar panels efficiency levels are relatively low (between 14% - 25%) compared to the efficiency levels of other renewable energy systems.
Political, Social, or health effects The generation of electricity from photovoltaic (PV0 solar panels is safe and effective because systems do not burn fossil fuels they do not produce the toxic air or greenhouse gas admissions associated with conventional fossil fuels fired generation technologies. An Environmental health and safety effects are hazards that are associated with the use of hazardous chemicals in the manufacturing phase of the solar cell.
Objections or obstacles to overcome Consumers are likely to discourage the use of solar pv because of how the electrons only turn into electricity when the sun is shining. So during the night there would be no electricity running nor would it be running when its cloudy.
citations "" : Home. Web. 10 Mar "Renewable Energy World Home." Renewable Energy World. Web. 10 Mar "| SELA." Home. Web. 10 Mar