Adolescence and Adulthood
1. Physical Changes 2. Mental and Emotional Changes 3. Social Changes
Adolescence- time between puberty and full maturation Puberty-Period of human development (child bearing) Hormones- chemicals that cause change in the body
1. Most Girls start at age 8 to Weight is the determining factor for the onset of menstrual cycle. 3. Develop more body fat. 4. Hip bones widen 5. Fat deposits around hips and breasts.
1. Begin around age Testosterone levels rise. 3. Increase in size of testes. 4. Hair appears around pubic, chest and under arms. 5. Voice deepens, growth spurts ect…
1. A new way of thinking. 2. A new way of feeling. 3. A new desire for independence. 4. Dealing with new feelings. 5. Controlling your emotions.
1. Increased expectations. 2. Changing relationships. 3. Evaluating your Relationships. 4. Increased responsibilities. 5. Working outside the home.
Does this relationship bring out the best in me or the worst in me? Does the friendship make mea stronger or weaker person. Does this person respect me and accept who I am? Complete evaluating changing relationships.
Section 2
1. Young Adulthood (18) Middle Adulthood Older Adulthood 65 - ?
Physical Changes Bodies begin to mature Growth rate slows Peak physical health. Mental & Emotional Sense of settling Adolescence disappears. Begin to relate to your parents. Think more abstract.
Social Changes Marriage Friends Work environment Financial Concerns Start working Earning your own money Spend your own money Have your own debt.
Physical Changes Body starts to slow down. Menopause (50- 55) Men sex hormone and sperm decrease. Mental & Emotional Accept Mortality Satisfaction on decsions Mid-life crisis
Physical Changes Ability to recover from illness/injury longer Effects of unhealthy living catch up Mental& Emotional More emotionally mature Come to terms with meaning of life. Mental decay (Alzheimers)