Welcome to 7 th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Roio Room 408
What is Language Arts? Reading and interpreting fiction and non-fiction writing Developing literary analysis skills Composing a variety of informative, opinionated, and creative writing tasks Using public speaking skills to express opinions and information
What You Will Learn Unit One: Evaluating Literature Fiction vs. non-fiction Literary terms Descriptive and objective writing Unit Two: Conflict Conflict in writing Literature circle Literary response writing
What You Will Learn Unit Three: Persuasion Advertising Persuasive essay Speeches Unit Four: Holocaust Different survivor and victim experiences Anne Frank Compare/ contrast writing
What You Will Learn Unit Five: Research Project Research on teen issues Informative speech Multi-media presentation Unit Six: Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie Reading analysis of novel Survival guide
Class Expectations Be ready to learn– participate with enthusiasm! Take risks in you learning! Take responsibility for your work! Complete all your assignments on time! Respect yourself and others!
Procedures What to Have for Class: Be prepared with binder AND blue/black ink or pencil At the Beginning of Class: Be in your seat at the ring of the bell Copy down your HW and then start the DO NOW At the End of Class: Teacher dismisses the class, NOT the bell
Do Now Exercises Will receive a Do Now Journal Collected at the end of the marking period for a grade To complete each entry: Date– write down the date for the entry Restate– restate the question in your answer Elaborate– answer the question with details
Attendance GO TO OUR ON COURSE WEBSITE WHEN ABSENT!!! If absent due to illness or excused absence– one day make-up for each day absent If absent for music lesson, field trip, or other– SEE ME at the beginning of class for that day’s assignments!
Grading Point value system Grades available online and are updated every two weeks Late, missing, and incomplete work will earn point deductions! 10% off a day Will not accept work over five days late
Class Websites On Course Homework Absence forms Unit assignments Helpful resources & links Enrichment Opportunity Moodle Enrollment Code: Blue408 Questionnaires Online discussion forums Interactive activities
Technology-Related Work Blogs/ Discussion Forums/Gmail: For school work and audiences, not for “chats” or texting Must use school-appropriate language Printer or Computer Problems? Use the media center or computer lab Bring in a note from a parent/ guardian Mrs. Roio your final documents for printing
Plagiarism and Cheating Only take credit for your own work! Plagiarism: copying and pasting, not citing sources Cheating: copying other student’s work or letting others copy your work Consequences: lose of credit, detention, etc.
Enrichment Opportunity Worth up to 15 points extra credit per marking period Read an approved young- adult novel or non-fiction book Create a Power Point presentation, brochure, or infomercial for class See On Course for due dates
Extra Help Make an appointment Available during Study Hall #1 and Mondays and Tuesdays after school