THE WRITE WAY TO PUBLIC SPEAKING A Paired Course Offering of Developmental Writing and College Public Speaking
P AIRED COURSE P ROFESSORS Frank Cronin, Developmental Writing, Mark Butland, Speech,
This paired course offering allows DEVED students to gain college credit. It is an accelerated approach different from others in that it speeds up DEVED students gaining college credit. The developmental writing class isn’t an add on or side car course supporting the speech class. Rather, it is an equal partner with the speech class.
PRE-REQUISITES Pass Writing Skills Two Or Assess into Writing Skills Three College Level Reading
R ESOURCES Speech Class Tutor, required visits Writing Skills Tutors, required visits Counselor, Eddie Garcia Academic Coach, Tina McGaughey Office Hours
RETENTION STRATEGIES First Class: both teachers, speech tutor, and counselor Class Visits by Counselor Student Progress Analysis Reports: 4 th, 8 th, and 12 th weeks Weekly Communications
PUBLIC SPEAKING Self Introduction Speech Informative Speech Research Training: SmartMouth Tutorial Persuasive Speech The speaking skills the students learn in the Speech course are used in the writing class activities listed in the following slide.
WRITING SKILLS THREE Presentations: Grammar, Punctuation, Writing Process, Essay Organization Group Work: Test Reviews
STUDENT SUCCESS Knowledge of Similarities and Differences between Essays and Speeches Increased Confidence in Writing and Speaking Better Prepared to Participate in College Courses: Presentations, Discussion, Group Work
OUTCOMES Acceleration DEVED Students Earn College Credit Fewer Dropouts Compared to Other Classes