International System International Relations
Basic concepts What is IR? Who are the actors/players in IR? Why they behave in a certain way? What quality of relations do they have? Do they form some kind of order? Do they respect some rules in their contacts?
Content 1. systemic approach in IR 2. development of current international system 3. structure of international system 3.1 Kenneth Waltz and structural realism 3.2 Georg Sorensen and liberal world order 4. three levels approach
Systemic approach I. definition: a group of independent political communities form a system in the sense that behavior of each is a necessary factor in the calculation of the others definition of a system through certain features: 1. frontiers of the system represent an area of interactions with the environment (geographical, cultural or problematic borders) 2. characteristic of main units/actors that create the system 3. structure of the system – created by the relations among units 4. interaction of units – several forms of contacts of units 5. the equilibrium within the system – as an integral feature that guarantees the sole existence of the system 6. regime – a rules of conduct of the relations are created
Systemic approach II. provides more generalized vision of world politics and its main features different approaches to the system: state-centric and globalist/pluralistic 1. state-centric : the crucial players within the system are sovereign states – structural realism 2. globalist/pluralistic approach : states, institutions, organizations and individuals are all important players within the system bind by rules and values generally acknowledged – liberalism, English school
Development of system I. Buzan & Little: 1. modern era – starting about AD 1500 lasts until today – creation of modern state and current order of IR 2. classical and ancient civilizations – stretches to the 17 th Century when the last attempt to conquer modern states took place has 2 main components: 1. core areas of civilizations and 2. areas dominated by nomadic tribes surrounding the core areas - civilization : a settled agricultural society that has developed cities - barbarians : nomadic herdsmen and hunters organizes as tribes 3. prehistory – end AD 1500 and has 6 core centers: Mexico, Andean highlands, Europe, Middle East, South Asia and East Asia
Development of system II. Modern era 1648 Westphalia system : creation of a system as we know it 1713 end of the War of the Spanish Succession – British dominance and involvement in continental Europe starts 1815 European concert – balance of power as a feature 1918 system of Versailles treaties – attempt to create order led to more chaos and challengers of the proposed order 1945 bipolarity – two orders evolved – on global scale a confrontation of superpowers/ in western hemisphere creation of liberal world order 1989 end of Cold war – new world order – the liberal order being spread around the globe
Structural realism (K. Waltz) state-centric approach system arises from the interactions of units, not intentional, develops as an independent organism that influences behavior od states three features of systemic approach: 1. structure/order 2. units 3. capabilities – power distribution compares the internal and external order defines three different structural settlements – multipolarity, bipolarity, hegemony
Liberal world order (G. Sorensen) two kinds: robust among liberal states and thin on the global level created after WWII due to the unprecedented position of the US features of liberal order: 1. democratic political system – democratic peace 2. institutions – UN, WB, IMF, NATO, NAFTA, WTO 3. economic relations – interdependence, globalization 4. values and culture – liberalism, human rights
Three levels approach (J. Nye) How to approach the system in 21 st Century? as the world is more complex than any theory is able to encompass three different levels/dimensions of interactions are defined: 1. military - unipolar 2. economic - multipolar 3. transnational relations - anarchic
Future outlook Will be the system secured? Will it become truly global? Are there any alternatives? How is the system influenced by the policy of great players? What will be the future structural framework? Will the world be more war prone or more peaceful? What is the future of the state? …
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