St. Mark’s The Faith Forum Crisis and Opportunity in a VUCA World Year of the Story Transformation in Christ Abraham’s Tent: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the World Today Co-Creators with God in the Next New World
New Worlds Antiquity Dark Ages Middle Ages (Feudal Period) Renaissance Reformation European Discovery of the “New World” Industrial Revolution Modernism Post-Modernism
Categorical change possibility or perspective causes a monumental shift that is both destructive and creative Result: Disruption Affects People Institutions
Old World Order is crumbling…Futurist call DISRUPTION New World “Disorder” is Emerging Technology and Globalism combining to create Hyper-changing Hyper-connected Inter-dependent world Problems and Opportunities
The Purpose of the Forum Grab ahold of the future Opportunity for innovative co-creativity with God Survive to thrive. Happy, healthy, holy and productive lives Make a loving difference in the world
The Process:4 D’s Describe the future Discern God’s Way Develop Tools DoDo
Creation Theology Bible begins and ends with new creations Creation though Jesus Only God Creates ex nihilo (out of nothing) Creatio ex deo --- creation out of the being of God Creatio ex material --- creation out of pre-existent eternal matter
God creates and so do we: Together we knit creation Imago dei- made in the image of God Creativity is a gift from God Supposed to use it, not automatons or cogs in machines…Reid Hoffman…founder of LinkedIn Together we knit out creation we live in
Co-Creators with God Creation is on-going God works through creation to continue to create God with us – Emmanuel – I will send you the Holy Spirit…
God With Us Usually emphasis on either or – God or Us – But not both in balance
Co-Creation in Scripture “As we work together with him [God], we urge you not to accept the grace of God in vain.” 2 Corinthians 6:1 “For we are God’s servants, working together; you are God’s field, God’s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:9
Emphasis: God’s Majesty will and power Calvinism God’s plan pre-ordained…pre-destination Spirituality of submission to a pre-ordained God’s will In this we do not create, we execute Belief in providence, as though all worked out, Prayer look into the file Figure out the plan and then just do what has been ordained
Emphasis on Humanity Deism God as distant clockmaker created, now up for us to work Humanism No God, all human
Result ->Unbalanced Theology begets unbalanced Spirituality God either controls you (no freedom) or God abandons you (you are alone and on your own)
Co-Creative Partnership with God Creative God who delights in our co-creativity Like teaching kid to swim Grace vs. freedom Two knitting needles Creativity comes to us and God expects creativity in return
God creates and so do we: Together we knit creation Imago dei- made in the image of God Creativity is a gift from God Supposed to use it, not automatons or cogs in machines Reid Hoffman…founder of LinkedIn Together we knit out creation we live in
What does it mean to create? To create is do something in the face of chaos In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void [chaos] and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind [Spirit] from God swept over the face of the waters. (Gen: 1:1-2)
To Meet the Challenge of the Future we must continue what has already begun: ordinary people, endowed with an in-born creative instinct, inspired by God, empowered by near universal access to knowledge, networking, and technology, must continue to create and produce new solutions that benefit people and the planet.