The Urinary System By: Selene Salazar
Defined Terms Urinary Incontinence- the inability to control the bladder, which leads to an involuntary loss of urine
The Urinary System Made up of: Two kidneys Two ureters One urinary bladder Single urethra Meatus
The Urinary System Main functions Eliminate waste Maintain water balance Female bladder is more likely to become infected by bacteria traveling up the urethra
The Urinary System Normal changes of aging Reduced ability of kidneys to filter blood Weakened bladder muscle tone Bladder holds less urine causing more frequent urination Bladder may not empty completely, causing more susceptibility to infection
The Urinary System Signs/ Symptoms: Weight loss or gain Swelling in the upper or lower extremities Pain or burning during urination Changes in urine, such as cloudiness, odor, or color Changes in frequency and amount of urination Swelling in the abdominal/bladder area Complaints that bladders feels full or painful Urinary incontinence/dribbling Pain in the kidney or back/ flank region Inadequate fluid intake