Origins of Islam Abraham had son with Hagar—Ishmael Sarah was jealous-Hagar & Ishmael sent into the desert Hagar searches for water between two rocks seven times Angel tells her not to fear—well appears at Ishmael’s feet Mecca built there
Before Abraham dies he visits Ishmael God tells him to build a holy shrine Ka’bah—large cube structure Inside is a small black stone believed to be given to Abraham from an angel Was white—black from kisses
Muhammad’s Early Years Born 570 in Mecca Parents died early, raised by other family Job as a camel driver-contact w/ other cultures Worked for widow- Khadijah and marries her— became rich
Muhammad’s Revelation Around age 40, starts spending time alone- cave near Mecca Angel Gabriel appears to him—he thought he was going insane He slowly accepts role as a prophet in the line of Moses and Jesus He declares that there is one God and rejects idols
Mecca to Medina Muhammad gains followers, also enemies Wife and uncle die—bad times, attempts to kill M. M. journeys to Heaven with Gabriel, meets Moses, Jesus and Allah M. tells Muslims to settle in Medina, escapes there himself—journey known as the Hijrah and start of Islamic calendar (622)
Muslims take Mecca M. able to unite some tribes (Muslims and Jews prayed together) in Medina M. tells to pray to Mecca not Jerusalem—groups split and violence breaks out Raids on caravans, full battles begin Muslims win and take Mecca M. circles Ka’bah 7 times and smashes idols
Last Years of Muhammad By age 60, Islam was all over Arabian Peninsula His last trip to Mecca-says only Muslim may pray there and asks for Islamic unity Gets ill and dies at 61, no son—who is successor?
Sunni and Shiite Sunni Characteristics 90% of Muslims Considered more mainstream Believe in leadership of caliphs Believe total Muslim community will be judged on judgment day Shiite Characteristics 10% of Muslims Considered more extreme in beliefs Only descendents of Ali (a caliph related to Muhammad) should lead Judgment through imams
The Five Pillars of Islam 1 st Pillar—Shahada –Brief prayer proclaiming Allah is the one and only god –Many Muslims belief it should be in Arabic because that is how Muhammad received it
2 nd Pillar--Salat Pray five times a day: dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset and evening Muslim countries a call to pray is announced from Mosque tower—minaret Women pray behind men or in separate area, imam leads pray in mosques Involves several bowing positions
3 rd Pillar-- Zakat Giving of a percentage of income to the poor and needy (often 2.5%) Belief this is a requirement to Heaven
4 th Pillar--Sawm Fasting during month of Ramadan No food or drink from sunrise to sunset Religious purification and devotion Children and elder do not have to follow Read the entire Koran (chapter a day) Festival of Eid-Al-Fitr— celebrates end of Ramadan, feast, parties, guests, gifts, off of work
5 th Pillar--Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca—required if possible Men wear same simple clothes Week and a half Circle Ka’bah, touch stone, run the hills 7 times, quiet prayer, stones at pillars, animal sacrifices
The Mosque Most important prayers on Fridays Most are small, larger/central mosques called jami’ Dome with minaret Rugs on floors, no artwork except calligraphy Part of one wall- mihrab-where imam stands, also direction of Mecca
Rites of Passage Aqiqa—naming of child, 7 days after birth Marriage-unites both families, Koran says man can have up to 4 wives Death—release from suffering of life, quick and simple burial, no coffin or gravestone, face Mecca