I. The Renaissance A.Johannes Gutenberg 1. Developed the first printing press with movable type 2. Allowed mass printing and distribution of information 3. He essentially invented mass media
B. Leonardo da Vinci 1. scientist, artist and inventor 2. invented everything from tanks to flying machines 3. most of his inventions were never built in his lifetime
II. Industrial Revolution A.James Watt 1. Invented the first practical steam engine 2. Revolutionized mining, industry and transportation
B. Eli Whitney 1. invented the cotton gin for taking seeds out of cotton a. revolutionized the economy b. made slavery more profitable 2. developed interchangeable parts
C. Charles Babbage 1. mathematician and inventor 2. invented: a. the Difference Engine b. the Analytical Engine
D. Ada Lovelace 1. daughter of Lord Byron 2. wrote the first computer program for Babbage’s Engine 3. U.S. Department of Defense named a programming language Ada in her honor
III. Early Modern Period A.Thomas Edison 1. Probably the most famous American inventor 2. Held 1,093 patents 3. Including 1 st practical electric light bulb, sound recordings, motion pictures…
B. Nikola Tesla 1. Invented alternating current a. Edison backed direct current b. this lead to the War of the Currents 2. Also invented A.C. motor, robots, radio… 3. Tried to invent a way to beam electricity around the world 4. Was rumored to have invented a death ray and caused an earthquake
C. Orville and Wilbur Wright 1. Invented the first powered airplane a. it weighed 700 lbs. b. had a 40 ft. wingspan c. with a 12 horse power engine d. 1 st flight was 120 ft. and lasted 12 seconds
D. Garrett Morgan 1. Invented the gas mask a. used it to personally help rescue 32 men trapped by an explosion b. fire departments and the army rushed to buy his invention 2. Invented the traffic signal