World Studies Final World History Museum Connect three units from this year with one overarching theme Written: 4 paragraphs- 1 intro, 3 body (one per unit) Product: 1 museum model- must fit on a desk, see examples) Presentation- Explain your thesis to celebrity judges on the day of the final Work alone or in a group of 2 or 3.
Description of the Project The final for World History is to design a museum that examines one particular Idea that ties together the different time periods we have studied. You will need to ask yourself – “What idea did I see occurring over and over again in everything we studied?” Then you will create a museum that contains exhibits of three of the six units we’ve studied: Foundations of Democracy Revolution Industrial Revolutions Imperialism World War I (including Lost Gen) Totalitarianism (including Holocaust and Great Depression)
Museum as an Essay The museum is like an essay, with the introduction paragraph in the first room, and the 3 other rooms each serving as a body paragraph. The Idea or Theme that you come up with will be your thesis claim. (You will claim that three units are connected to the same idea in some specific way) The items in the room will be the evidence. You will choose evidence from the work we’ve done throughout the year (comparison charts, class notes, Venn diagrams, primary sources, creative writing, use what you already have!), as well as additional sources you can find on your own (pictures, artwork, photographs, maps, charts, quotes) You will be using pieces of work from your notebook as well as adding additional materials you find. You will also have a paragraph that EXPLAINS how your evidence proves your Theme/Thesis
Partners You may do this project individually or with one or two partners. Either way, you will be expected to include 3 of the 6 Units that we’ve studied this year. If you work in a group, you will get a grade based on the work you have done, not on the work of your partners. I would prefer you work with a group.
Final Dates to remember: May 12- Choose Museum Group Partners, work on Thesis and collect evidence May 14/15- Museum Thesis Statement and list of Evidence Due May 20- Museum work day- writing Paragraphs May 21- Rough Drafts of Paragraphs Due May Museum Work Day- Build your Museum June 2-3- Products Due. Presentation Practice day Please write these on your Blue Handout NOW.
NOTE: Students who do not have a Museum done by Tuesday, June 3 rd will take a test on history from the whole year (short answer, essay and multiple choice) as their final on the day of the final instead of doing the museum project.
Lets look at some examples… As you look at these examples: Do they have all the components? Do they have a clear Thesis? Do they have well chosen Evidence? Do they have 4 paragraphs? Is their work well written and clear? Is their work easy to read, neat and carefully done?
To start… Look at the Prompt writing Guide… Consider column 2. Pick 5 words you feel you could find in at least 3 units. Put a check mark next to each one.
Making a Prompt for your Museum Not Here? Refer to Making Prompts Sheet
Look at these two columns: Theme Words: Natural Rights Nationalism Effects of Technology Core & Periphery Social Darwinism Autocracy Revolution Dissent Resources Individualism Exploitation Unit Topics: origins of democracy, Greeks and Romans, Enlightenment, Judeo-Christian values, American Revolution, French Revolution, Napoleon, Haitian Revolution, industrialization, working poor, capitalism, factories and steam power, rise of unions, worker's rights, Rush for Africa, Menelik II, resistance, Sepoy Rebellion, Opium wars, Boxer Rebellion, USA takes Japan, Hawaii and the Philippines, WWI, Women in the War, effects of the war, causes and results of the war, Lost Generation, Totalitarianism, Fascism, Communism, Russian Revolution, Rape of Nanking, Holocaust, Great Depression Pick one word from the Theme box and find examples from three units of history where that theme can be found…(color change means a new unit…) You may refer to details in the unit instead of bigger topics.
The work you just did is one way to find a theme for your Final. Now you need a Prompt! Use what you just did or follow this other method…
Where to Start 1.Look at the class handout. It has three columns: Directive Words, Vocab Words and Unit Info for all our units. 2.Pick a directive word from the first column, a vocab word from the 2 nd column (this is often the Big Idea you have traced through three units) and three units or sub units from the last column. 3.Compose a prompt from these three sets of information that you feel you could answer.
Some sample prompts Describe people’s fight for political, social and economic equality using examples from cultural diffusion, revolutions, and industrial Revolution. Explain the role technology and inventions have played in history using examples from Industrial revolution, imperialism or WWI. Analyze the development of natural rights in government during cultural diffusion, revolutions and Totalitariansim. Compare the role played by women in history using examples from revolutions, industrial Revolution, and World War One. Identify the effects of social Darwinism on the exploitation of people throughout history in industrial revolution, imperialism and WWI or Totalitarianism. Compare human rights violations in history using examples from industrial Revolution, imperialism and totalitarianism. Evaluate the effectiveness of different leaders throughout history using examples from revolution, imperialism and WWI.
Some More Specific sample prompts Explain how the desire for natural rights motivated people to fight during the French Revolution, Industrial Revolution and the Armenian Genocide Compare the effect of technology on the Industrial Revolution, Imperialism in India and WWI. Evaluate the role of Social Darwinism on the factory workers in the Industrial Revolution, Imperialism in Japan and the Holocaust.
Use your Prompt Writing Guide… On a separate piece of paper, write as many prompts as you can think of. Share them with your partners. Together, pick the best prompts from each page. –The best one is the one you could actually write about. You will need at least 5 to turn in Tuesday. Then I will pick one of them for you to actually do for your Final.
Use this list to review what we have learned this year.. Origins on Democracy: Prologue, Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 and Chapter 6 Topics: origins of democracy, Greeks and Romans, Enlightenment, Judeo- Christian values Revolutions: Chapter 5 – Chapter 8 Topics: American Revolution, French Revolution, Napoleon, Haitian Revolution, Revolutions in South America Industrial Revolution: Chapter 9 Topics: Agricultural revolution, industrialization, working poor, capitalism, new technology, rise of unions, legal protection for workers Imperialism: Chapter 11 – Chapter 12 Topics: Rush for Africa, Menelik II, African resistance, Sepoy Rebellion, Opium wars, Boxer Rebellion, USA takes Japan and the Philippines WWI: Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 Topics: WWI, Women in the War, effects of the war, causes and results of the war, Lost Generation. Totalitarianism: Chapter 15 and 16.3 Topics: Great Depression, Totalitarianism, Fascism, Communism, Russian Revolution, Rape of Nanking, Holocaust
Prompt writing time!
Look at the work you will need to do.…Plan what you will say to respond to the prompt. Look at the Chart on your paper. What units will you use. What Sub units will you actually talk about? What evidence do you have for each unit that connects to your Big Idea? What will your explanation say? How will it answer How and Why? This paper will help you and your group organize your info. This is what you need at the end. We’re going to do a rough draft first.
How to procede… What is your thing? How does your thing show up in your unit? –Give examples of your thing in that unit. Do directive word- Explain, compare, describe, ets thing in your unit.
Finals Work- set up a scratch page like this: Unit 1- Specific Topic Everything you know about this topic! Unit 2- Specific Topic Everything you know about this topic! Unit 3- Specific Topic Everything you know about this topic! Prompt: Write your prompt here. The GOOD copy of this chart from your packet and your group Thesis for your Final is due on the Block day.
Example: Unit 1- Human rights abuses during the French Revolution Rights: Life/Liberty/Property Violations- Reign of terror Death without a trial Mobs tearing people limb from limb Book burning Seizure of property Power- Chaos kept Robespierre in control. Unit 2- Human rights abuses during imperialism in India Rights: Life/Liberty/Property Violations- Starvation after forced famine Lower wages Restricted education No respect for religious differences Sepoy rebellion Power- Made British rich Unit 3- Human rights abuses in Nazi Germany Rights: Life/Liberty/Property Violations- Nuremberg laws Concentration Camps Genocide Propaganda Power- Hitler used Jews as scapegoat to make him a dictator Prompt: Compare human rights violations in history using examples from the French Revolution, Imperialism in India and Nazi Germany
Practice: With your team…For each Prompt, Write a level 2 thesis … Describe the role autocracy played in cultural diffusion, revolution, and conflict. Explain the impact of nationalism in revolution, imperialism and conflict. Evaluate the effectiveness of leaders in revolution, conflict, and imperialism. Evaluate the citizens’ importance in revolution, industrialization and conflict. Evaluate the effects of social Darwinism during industrialization, imperialism and conflict.
Evaluate the effectiveness of leaders in revolution, conflict, and imperialism. Napoleon, Hitler, Menelik II How were these leaders effective? Napoleon, Hitler and Menelik II were effective because they all successfully controlled their people.
Fill out your chart with your group. What do you need to talk about? Prompt: Compare human rights violations in history using examples from the French Revolution, Imperialism in India and Nazi Germany Figure out the specific human rights being violated. Find examples in French Revolution Find examples in India under English Imperialism Find examples in Nazi Germany Say how they are similar and different (compare) When you know what you are going to say, Then you write your thesis. Write your thesis out on a new sheet of paper and work on it until it’s a level 2 thesis.
Look at the Chart you have been working on… Pick and choose what you need to prove or explain your thesis. You can also look for pictures, quotes, maps, diagrams and other visuals to add to your museum. These are throughout the chapters and especially in sections at the end…
If you have extra time start working on this page!
Making your Museum… This is how you cut the cardboard for the Museum Project. I will have colored paper, glue and scissors on the Block day next week. You bring everything else!
What to Bring to the Block Day Work Days May 28/29 and June 2/3 Cardboard, art supplies and materials to work on your Museum’s 3-D structure (Talk to me NOW if you need cardboard) –All your Final Project papers Work time Wednesday/Thursday We will have time to work on your final on Wed/Thursday. At that time, I can look at rewrites or answer questions. Bring all your materials!