World Facts Lesson Seven, Grade Six
Largest country The largest country in the world (land area) is Russia. 17 million square km.
Largest country population The largest country in the world (population) is China. 1.3 billion people
Largest city population The largest city in the world (population) is Tokyo million people
Tallest building The tallest building in the world is the Burj Khalifa, in Dubai. 829 meters
Tallest mountain The tallest mountain in the world is Mt. Everest. 8,848 meters
Tallest person The tallest person in the world is Sultan Kosen meters
Most spoken language The most spoken language in the world is either Mandarin or English 1.02 billion speak Mandarin 1.5 billion speak English [estimate]
Most expensive car The most expensive car ever sold was a 1957 Ferrari 250 Testa Rosa, in million dollars 16,390,000,000 won
Most popular sport The most popular sport in the world is soccer. 3.5 billion fans