Obstructive Jaundice Surgical and Non Surgical Treatment Prepared by: Dr. Fuad BinGadeem Under Supervision of : Ass.Prof. Dr Mahmoud Makki
Definition Jaundice came from the French word “jaune” which means yellow. Yellowish discoloration of sclera, skin mucous membranes due to increased serum bilirubin level. Typically can be detected if serum bilirubin level above 3 mg/dl (51.3 μmol/L. Obstructive jaundice is interruption to the drainage of bile in the biliary system
Classifications: Prehepatic Hepatic Posthepatic (Obstructive) Intraluminal- Transmural- Extramural Common- Infrequent- Rare Complete (type 1)- Intermittent (Type 2)- Chronic incomplete (Type 3)- Segmental obstruction (Type 4) Etiology (congenital, inflammatory, traumatic, neoplastic, parasitic etc.)
Obstructive Jaundice Alteration in: Systemic and renal hemodynamics Hepatic function ( protein synthesis, reticuloendothelial function,hepatic metabolism) Hemostatic mechanism Gastointestinal barrier Immune function Wound healing
Managment Objectives: To identify pts who need relief of obstruction To establish cause, to plan appropriate intervention, prevent complications, prevent recurrence.
S&S for urgent surgical interventions: Abdominal pain (70%) Jaundice (60%) Tea colored urine/ pale stool Altered mental status (10-20%) Hypotension (30%) Fever, persistent (90%) RUQ tenderness
Imaging Studies Ultrasound CT scan, Spiral CT scan MRI, MRCP Digital substraction angiography Cholangiography ERCP, PTC IDUS PET
Ultrasonography 1st choice in O.J. Non invasive, cheep, bed side Size of bile duct, level of obstruction, identify the cause in some cases, liver parenchyma, Limitation: obese, Exessive bovel gases, retroduodenal and intraduodenal CBD
CT scan of Abdomen Very useful for assessment of malignancy Intrahepatic biliary dilatations, Level of obstruction Spiral CT allows : relationship vascular and bile duct anatomy at the hilum
MRCP Non invasive Useful when ERCP contraindicated No intravenous contrast Purely diagnostic C/I pt with pacemaker, cerebral aneurism clips, other metal implants
ERCP Diagnostic and therapeutic Find out obstruction especially in the lower part of biliary passage Invassive Cannot reliabily distinguish betweenbenign and malignant features Opportunity to take tissue sample Endoprosthesis
ERCP Diagnostic and therapeutic Find out obstruction especially in the lower part of biliary passage Invassive Cannot reliabily distinguish betweenbenign and malignant features Opportunity to take tissue sample Endoprosthesis
PTC Diagnostic and therapeutic Best suited for leisions proximal to the bifurcation of hepatic duct Invasive Complications similar to ERCP
Endoscopic Ultrasound Assessment bile duct and proximal pancreatic pathology Recently IDUS in ERCP
Laparoscopic cholangiography
Conservative 1 Fluid and electrolytes Urine output monitoring Correction of coagulation defects Prevention of infection Prevention of hepatorenal syndrome Nutrition
Conservative 2 Bile acid binding resins, Cholestyramine (4g) or cholestipol (5g) disolved in wter or juice × TDS Individualized regime for replacement of vitamines A, D, E and K as needed. Antihistamine for pruritus Naloxone or nalmefene has improved pruritus Discontinuation of medications that cause or exacerbate cholestasis
Surgical Options By Pass Surgeries Roux-en-y hepaticojejunostomy Roux-en-y Choledochojejunostomy Roux-en-y Cholecystojejunostomy Choledochoduodenestomy Whipple’s operation Pylorus Preserving Pancreaticoduedenectomy Choledochotomy + T-tube drainage Transduodenal sphincterotomy and sphinteroplasty
Roux-en-Y Hepaticojejunostomy
Roux-en-Y Choledochojejunostomy
Whipple’s Operation
Pylorus Preserving Pancreaticoduedenectomy
Open Exploration of CBD
T- tube
ERCP with Sphincterotomy
Transcystic CBD Exploration
Indications for Open CBD Exploration Multiple stones > 5 Stones > 1 cm Multiple intrahepatic stones Distal bile duct sticture Failure of ERCP Recurrence of CBDS after sphinterotomy
CBD Exploration- Surgical Options: CBD exploration with T-tube decompression Choledochoduodenostomy Transduodenal sphincterotomy and sphinteroplasty Roux-en-Y choledochojejunostomy
Criteria for Irresectability Extra hepatic metastasis Extrahepatic organ invasion Peripheral hepatic metastasis remote from primary tumor Major vascular involvement
Palliative Procedures Interventional Endoscopy: Endoscopic stenting Radiology: Chemo radiation, Intralumial brachitherapy Photo Dynamic Therapy High intensity intraductal ultrasound Palliative surgery: Cholecystojejunostomy, choledochojejunostomy, Hepatojejunostomy +/- gasrtojejunostomy,
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