In the world there is lots of different types of animals you can gets ones you keep as pets (which you will learn about in a minute)and you can get animals that live in the wild. These animals can live in the wild and can be kept as pets.
You can get a lot of different pets, you can get things like hamsters, rats or mice, you can also get lots of other types of pets.A lot of people say that dogs are mans best friends, that is because some dogs have saved peoples live and they are very clever.
Some of the wild animals are very close to be -coming extinct.There are people who try to stop these animals from becoming extinct. The African Elephant are becoming extinct because hunters are killing Elephants for there tusks. Some of the other animals are being killed because of there fur.
Some reptiles can be kept as pets like snakes and lizards. A lot of reptiles live in the wild,snakes can be kept as pets and can live in the wild. Some snakes can poison people, and some snakes are harmless.
The duckbilled platypus is a water mammal but it lays eggs, it has webbed feet like a duck. The duckbilled platypus also has claws,cheek pouches and a bill!
I eat flies by stretching my long tong and getting a insect. We eat worms and bird seed by putting our beaks into a hole and getting a worm. I eat fish food, my owner feeds it to me about 2 or 3 times a day. I eat vegetables and grass, normally we gnaw a bit of a carrot or a different vegetable. I eat fish or cat food sometimes I eat birds, my owner feeds me cat food.
In most cartoons animals don’t look like animals in real life. So if you see a cartoon with a animal in that animal probably does not look like that in real life.Like these pictures underneath.In some cartoons animals look like them in real life.