18.1: Origins of the Cold War
USA & Soviet Union Clash Former WWII Allies Different Ambitions for their nations’ futures… Economic Differences – Soviet Communism: state controlled all property and economic activity – Capitalism: private citizens controlled most economic activity Political Differences: – USA: representative government Elected by people Competing political parties – USSR: communist party established totalitarian government No opposing parties
Mutually Assured Destruction
Tensions Build During WWII Distrust on both sides! Allied Perspective: US furious that Stalin signed non-aggression pact with Hitler USSR: Angered that US waited so long to attack the Germans in Europe USSR and US relations worsen after Stalin discovers secret plans to develop atomic weapons
The United Nations Hopes for World Peace after WWII Representatives of 50 nations met in San Francisco June 26, 1945 charter is signed, UN is established Irony: meant to promote peace – Reality: US and USSR competed for influence over other nations
World Map During the Cold War
Truman Becomes President April 12, 1945: Truman succeeds FDR after his death – Had only been involved with FDR for a few months – Had not been included in decisions about policy – Did not know about development of atomic bomb Result: Many Americans doubted his ability to be an effective president
The Potsdam Conference Truman’s first test as President Big 3 (Great Britain, USSR and US) meet near Berlin at Potsdam Stalin had promised free elections in Poland & Eastern Europe – Reality: USSR prevented free elections in Poland and banned democratic political parties
Tensions Continue to Rise US and Soviet Goals Conflict: – Truman: spread democracies to nations under Nazi rule, new world order where people had self-determination – US also wanted access to Eastern Europe markets and raw materials to continue economic growth – Stalin: control Eastern Europe as a “Communist Bloc” Soviets Tighten Grip on Eastern Europe: – USSR also emerged from WWII as an economic power – USSR had suffered devastation on it own soil 20 million casualties Felt justified in taking Eastern Europe – Eastern Europe served as a “buffer” zone to stop future invasions 1946: Stalin established SATELITE NATIONS = communist nations in E. Europe – Claims war with US and capitalism was inevitable