The Girls Tennis Team
Rent-a-Senior Day is May, 27 th Seniors if you would like to participate See Mrs. Stone in room B109 ASAP!
SENIORS! Please ….. -fill out the superlatives yellow sheet, -the green what you're doing after high school, -and the pink last will and testament -and drop them in the senior issue box -outside A235, the Smoke Signal Room the Deadline is approaching
“The Call of Duty Award” Nominate a teacher who has gone the extra step beyond their everyday routine to either help, encourage, or support you or a another student at SHS! Nominations may come from a parent or student. Forms may be found at the PTSA website on fusion. Forms must be turned in by May 23, 2016
Pink Shirts that the Girl's Lacrosse Team was wearing last week will be sold in Mrs. Middleton's room B327 starting Tuesday! starting Tuesday! They are only $10. They are only $10.
Forensics Interest Meeting on Monday, May 16 after school. Anyone who is interested should attend in competitive public speaking and performance can attend.
SHS NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY GRADUATING SENIORS SCHOLARSHIPS The Stafford High School National Honor Society Scholarships granted for year consists of an award of $ 750 and two $250 awards to be used to further the winner’s education at any accredited college or university. The Scholarships criterion is as follows: The Scholarships criterion is as follows: Applicant must be graduating senior in the Class of Applicant must be graduating senior in the Class of Applicant has earned points to wear their NHS stole. Applicant has earned points to wear their NHS stole. The recipient shall be a person of outstanding character, leadership, service & activities, conduct, and scholarship. The recipient shall be a person of outstanding character, leadership, service & activities, conduct, and scholarship. The recipient shall have at least a 3.8 grade point average. The recipient shall have at least a 3.8 grade point average. The recipient shall respond to the essay topic in 300 words or less. The recipient shall respond to the essay topic in 300 words or less. The recipient must create a written, one page Cover Sheet/Vita The recipient must create a written, one page Cover Sheet/Vita All applications and essays must be typed and returned to Mrs. Purnell or Mrs. Thomas N O L ATER than May 18, 2016 by 2:30 P.M. Applications must be delivered in person. Faxes will not be accepted.
Make a Difference For an incoming Freshman, Come join Link Crew. See Mrs. Frasier for an application, in room B222
is on sale Afterschool in the School Store (Monday thru Thursday) $1.50 per slice $12 for the Whole Pie Pizza is on sale Afterschool in the School Store (Monday thru Thursday) $1.50 per slice $12 for the Whole Pie