Were people better off under the Nazis? To decide whether life got better or worse for most German workers and businessmen under the Nazis Aims
A Nazi election poster from 1932, it reads ‘Work and Bread’. Who was the poster aimed at? How was it trying to appeal to them? How successful do you think it would have been in 1932?
Nazi Economic Aims Hitler wanted Germany to regain the land lost in 1919 and to dominate Europe. To do this Germany needed to recover its economic strength by: Hitler wanted Germany to regain the land lost in 1919 and to dominate Europe. To do this Germany needed to recover its economic strength by: 1. Reducing unemployment – in 1933 it was 6 million. 2. Rebuilding the German armaments industry – rearm and enlarge the German army, navy and air force. 3. Making Germany self-sufficient so it could not be blockaded in times of war.
Nazi Economic Policies Dr Hjalmar Schacht Who was he? When and why was he influential over the economy? The New Plan How did it work? Was it successful? Hermann Goering & 4 Year Plan What was the aim of the Four Year Plan? What was ‘autarky’? How did the Four Year Plan work? Was it successful? Textbook page 126-7
Hjalmar Schacht In the Weimar Govt he had helped to negotiate the Young Plan (1929). In the Weimar Govt he had helped to negotiate the Young Plan (1929). After reading Mein Kampf he converted to right wing politics and later helped persuade Hindenburg to appoint Hitler Chancellor. He also used his connections in business to help raise funds for the Nazi Party in 1933 (3 million marks!) After reading Mein Kampf he converted to right wing politics and later helped persuade Hindenburg to appoint Hitler Chancellor. He also used his connections in business to help raise funds for the Nazi Party in 1933 (3 million marks!) President of Reichsbank and later Minister of the Economy (1934). President of Reichsbank and later Minister of the Economy (1934). Loyal Nazi and brilliant financial expert – trusted by business leaders in Germany and abroad. Devised the New Plan. Loyal Nazi and brilliant financial expert – trusted by business leaders in Germany and abroad. Devised the New Plan. Textbook page 126
The New Plan, Imports limited. Imports limited. Unemployment reduced – work schemes (public money used to create jobs), conscription (1935) and dismissing Jews (though not as anti-semitic as many Nazis, he publicly criticised the “unlawful activities” against Jews and pointed out that many Jews had fought bravely for the German Army in WW1.) Unemployment reduced – work schemes (public money used to create jobs), conscription (1935) and dismissing Jews (though not as anti-semitic as many Nazis, he publicly criticised the “unlawful activities” against Jews and pointed out that many Jews had fought bravely for the German Army in WW1.) Schacht was against large amounts of money being spent on arms; he knew that the Fuhrer’s plans for the building up of the armed forces were far beyond the nation’s economic capabilities. But Hitler would not accept this. This division led to Schacht’s resignation from the Ministry of economics in Schacht was against large amounts of money being spent on arms; he knew that the Fuhrer’s plans for the building up of the armed forces were far beyond the nation’s economic capabilities. But Hitler would not accept this. This division led to Schacht’s resignation from the Ministry of economics in In 1944 he was arrested by the Nazis on the suspicion that he was involved in the July Plot to assassinate Hitler. He was sent to Dachau concentration camp. He was still alive at the end of the war. He was released and finally died in In 1944 he was arrested by the Nazis on the suspicion that he was involved in the July Plot to assassinate Hitler. He was sent to Dachau concentration camp. He was still alive at the end of the war. He was released and finally died in Textbook page 126
Four-Year Plan, Hermann Goering WWI fighter pilot Head of German air force (Luftwaffe) Self-sufficiency – Autarky, but rearmament took precedence over agriculture. ‘Arms not butter’ was Goering’s slogan. Synthetic raw materials - ersatz Reduce imports Tighten control on wages But failed to achieve self sufficiency; to do this, Germany would need to conquer other countries. Textbook p127
To what extent did Germans benefit from Nazi economic rule? You will use either the textbook pages and or Black textbook Germany p86-8 to present both sides of the argument, you must cover: Public work schemes, self sufficiency, rearmament and conscription ( the Military Service Law of 1935: Under this law, every boy at age 18 joined a labour service corps for six months, and he entered a two-year term in the military at age 19. After the two years he was transferred to the active reserves until he was 35.) German Labour Front (DAF), Strength Through Joy and the Beauty of Labour Standards/cost of living, promises to the German people. Present your work like this...
To what extent did Germans benefit from Nazi economic rule? Germans who gained and how:Germans who lost out and how:
Class discussion One lady who had lived through Nazi Germany stated that under the Nazis life was so good that it seemed the sun never stopped shining. In fact they called a sunny day “Hitler weather”. Life was good. One lady who had lived through Nazi Germany stated that under the Nazis life was so good that it seemed the sun never stopped shining. In fact they called a sunny day “Hitler weather”. Life was good. Does the evidence support her memories. Was life better for the German people? Does the evidence support her memories. Was life better for the German people? If it was not; why might she have thought it was? If it was not; why might she have thought it was?
What do you notice about this picture?
Make a spider diagram showing all the opposition to the Nazis. Opposition to the Nazis Youth/Students Religion Political Military Individual resistance