SAS Curriculum Mapping Trainer (SAS CMT) October 2011
Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 2 Please Do the Following: Connect to the Internet Navigate to: – If a registered user, sign-in – If not a registered user, join now Place your name and school district/organization on your name tent 2 Your Name Your School District/Organization
Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 3 Assess district curriculum needs to create a customized Curriculum Mapping training workshop. Assist districts in developing customized Curriculum Maps based on identified vision and need for curriculum for individual districts and schools. SAS CMT Objectives
Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 4 Demonstrate strategies for identifying and integrating SAS portal resources and materials into Curriculum Maps - including Standards, the Curriculum Framework, Materials & Resources, Assessments, strategies for Instruction, Interventions, and other locally relevant materials. Identify sample resources and materials to embed within Curriculum Maps that can be shared with various content areas across grade levels. SAS CMT Objectives
Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 5 Demonstrate the use of the Teacher Tools section within SAS, including embedding individually developed and selected materials into the My Curriculum section. Instruct districts on using the Curriculum Mapping tool to create a customized map to meet district needs. SAS CMT Objectives
DRAFT Definition of Curriculum Mapping Curriculum Mapping is a collaborative, dynamic process for systematically aligning local content with the essential elements of Pennsylvania’s Standards Aligned System. Curriculum Mapping: – Optimizes individual student achievement. – Organizes course content into an easily accessed online tool that informs teaching and learning. – Serves as a means to communicate curriculum to stakeholders. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 6
Definition: Curriculum Map A Curriculum Map is a visual method for projecting instructional plans based on a sequence that describes the scope of what is taught. – Captures the content, skills, and assessments taught or administered at each grade level within a school building or district – Organizes this information into an easily accessed visual that presents a timeline of instruction by grade level or course – Ensures that there is consistency from one grade level to the next, and there is little redundancy in what is being taught at each grade level Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 7
8 Sample Curriculum Map
Definition: Curriculum Map Template Header A Curriculum Map Template Header is a heading for a Curriculum Map Template that contains text and/or images. It may include: – Image – Name – Mailing address – Phone number – Web address Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 9
Definition: Curriculum Map Template A Curriculum Map Template is a model that serves as a pattern for the creation of Curriculum Maps. The template is used to define the columns that will be included in all Curriculum Maps created from that Template. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 10
Definition: Instructional Map An Instructional Map is a Curriculum Map that contains an additional column where educators can enter personal information regarding their own instruction. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 11
Definition: Curriculum Mapping Roles Curriculum Mapping Roles In order to create a Template and populate Curriculum Maps, users must have the appropriate role(s) assigned to their SAS Portal account. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 12
Definition: Curriculum Mapping Roles Curriculum Map Template Admin – This role allows administrative access to create Curriculum Map Templates and Headers. Curriculum Map Creator - This role allows administrative access to all of the Curriculum Maps created for a school/district/organization. This role allows users to create new maps or modify any existing maps. This role also allows the user to turn maps “offline” or “online” Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 13
Agree or Disagree? Curriculum is a textbook. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 14
Agree or Disagree? Curriculum is a restating of Standards and Eligible Content. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 15
Agree or Disagree? Curriculum describes what students need to know and be able to do. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 16
Agree or Disagree? Curriculum is the processes, content, and knowledge combined with the experiences and realities of the learner to create new understanding and skills. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 17
Agree or Disagree? Curriculum is a product. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 18
Sample Curriculum Map 1 st Grade Mathematics Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 19
Sample Curriculum Map 7 th Grade Science Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 20
Sample Curriculum Map 9 th Grade English Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 21
Phases of Curriculum Mapping Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 22 Dr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs* takes a four-phased approach to professional development for curriculum mapping: – Laying the Foundation – Launching the Process – Maintaining, Sustaining, and Integrating the System – Advanced Mapping Tasks
Phases of Curriculum Mapping Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 23 Phase 1: Laying the Foundation Involves preparing to institute curriculum mapping within a school/district/organization. Consists of doing research and homework to understand the nature of curriculum mapping. T_YPJei1Hc4&feature=related
Phases of Curriculum Mapping Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 24 Phase 2: Launching the Process Involves assessing how to organize and orchestrate curriculum mapping based on the faculty's readiness level. Many schools/districts/organizations want to jump to this stage first before doing the necessary preparatory work with laying the foundation.
Phases of Curriculum Mapping Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 25 Phase 3: Maintaining, Sustaining, and Integrating the System Consists of embedding mapping in the school/district/organization. In doing so, mapping becomes the basic way of communication to share curriculum, assessment, and integrating in instruction with the standards.
Phases of Curriculum Mapping Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 26 Phase 4: Advanced Mapping Tasks Involves looking at new ways of teaching to use in the instruction process. – Integrate 21 st Century skills into existing maps. – Identify ways to keep maps current.
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