RISE Individual Employment Plan Overview
There will be a link to the RISE Individual Employment Plan on the Client Main Page. This will only be available in cases where the client is enrolled in the RISE Pilot Treatment Group. RISE Individual Employment Plan
When the Individual Employment Plan link is selected, the user will be taken to the Individual Employment Plan Summary Page. There will be a Create function available if there is no ACTIVE Individual Employment Plan. Users will be able to update the Active IEP. If there are existing IEPs (Active, Closed or Auto- Closed) they will display in a history on this page. Users can view the IEPs in the history. RISE Individual Employment Plan Summary Page
When an IEP is created, the user will have the ability to: Indicate whether the client has no employment history Enter current and past employment Enter employment goals (Type, Create Date, Completion Date, Freeform text) Enter Work-Based Learning activities (Site details, document progress, enter freeform text) The user can make updates to each section after the IEP is saved. The system will auto-stamp a note when the IEP is created. RISE Individual Employment Plan
Users can manually close an Active IEP. The system will auto-close an Active IEP when it’s had no user activity for 60 days. If a user creates a new IEP, there will be an option to transfer information from the most recently closed IEP if one exists. Information that will transfer: current/past employment, active Employment Goals, active Work-Based Learning activity. Users will be able to print IEPs. ADMIN users can re-open closed IEPs and delete those created in error. RISE Individual Employment Plan
RISE Exit Plan Overview
There will be a menu of Exit Reasons to choose from. If the exit is due to employment, the user will select the relevant Job Code from the available menu. The user will enter the highest level of education achieved at exit. If there are active Skill Deficiencies in the client’s Barrier Assessment, those will display in the exit plan. There will be a freeform text box to document more details. Once the exit plan is saved, it cannot be updated. There will be a history of saved exit plans. The system will auto-close the FP component when an Exit Plan is saved. RISE Exit Plan
RISE IEP Reports Overview
Functionality for this report is much the same as the ‘Clients with Anticipated Barrier Resolution Dates’ report. This report will list the contractor’s clients who have active employment goals and the completion dates. Overdue Employment Goals will display separately from those that are not due yet. Clients with Anticipated Employment Goal Completion Dates Report
Functionality for this report is much the same as the ‘Clients with Anticipated Barrier Resolution Dates’ report. This report will list the contractor’s clients who have active Work-Based Learning activities and the completion dates. Overdue Work-Based Learning activities will display separately from those that are not due yet. Clients with Anticipated Work-Based Learning Completion Dates Report
RISE Participant Reimbursements Overview
This will be accessed from the Client Payments page. When the Participant Reimbursements link is selected, the Participant Reimbursements Summary page opens. There will be a way for you to create new participant reimbursements from this page. A history of all previously issued and cancelled participant reimbursements will be available on this page. Participant Reimbursements Summary Page
The electronic version of the participant reimbursement form will be an enhanced version of the paper form you now use. The system will auto-stamp a note when a participant reimbursement is created or cancelled. The system will not allow participant reimbursements to be issued for more than the allowed amount. Users will be able to print participant reimbursements and the printed copy will have spaces for signatures. Participant Reimbursements
When the Participant Reimbursements Report link is selected, a page will open where you will enter information about the type of report you want to run: From and To dates BFETCEN and RISECEN will be able to choose Statewide or Contractor. BFET and RISE will only have Contractor level access. Select a Contractor Code from a menu. Users can sort information and export the report to Excel. The report breaks down all participant reimbursements issued or cancelled during the date span of the report. Users will be able to drill down to more detail. Participant Reimbursements Report selection page
When this report is accessed, users must select a Contractor Code unless they only have one code assigned to their user profile. This report will have details for each client with active components. Users can sort information and export the report to Excel. Clients with overdue components will display separately from those with no overdue components. Clients with Active Components Report
A new link on the Contractor Home Page titled ‘E&T Reports’ will replace the ‘WorkFirst Reports’ link. When selected, an E&T Reports summary page will open. Users can access the following reports from this page: Basic Food FI Component History Report Basic Food CLMR Report BFET Auto-Enrollment Report Participant Reimbursements Report Clients With Anticipated Barrier Resolution Dates Report Clients with Anticipated Employment Goal Completion Dates Report Clients with Anticipated Work-Based Learning Completion Dates Report Clients with Active Components Report E & T Reports
BC = new BFET Case Management component (will be available when IEP goes live). RD = new RISE Referral component (will be available when IEP goes live). CS = new DCS Alternative Solutions component (will be available 6/17/16). Problem Report – will fix the issue where clients not assigned to a contractor are displaying on the Clients with Anticipated Barrier Resolution Dates Report (will be fixed as of 6/17/16). Problem Report – will fix the issue where a client who had been active on BFET within the last 180 was determined BFET Eligible again in error (will be fixed as of 6/17/16). RISE Contractor Caseload screen – The title will no longer say ‘Basic Food E&T Contractor Caseload.’ BFET Component/IRP Information – this link on the client main page will be changed to ‘Component/IRP Information’ Extras
Changes to how the system determines who is a ‘Work Registrant’ and who is a ‘Non-Work Registrant’ are in progress. These changes will help better identify this population and eliminate the need for manual determination. Work Registrant