Public Hearing Seattle Ridge Preliminary Plat/ Planned Area Development PP December 18, 2013
Exhibits Exhibit a - Vicinity Map Exhibit b – Preliminary Plat Map Exhibit c – Legal Description Exhibit d – List of Project File Contents *New* - Citizen comments received since Dec. 9, Project PowerPoint - Detailed Grading Plan received Dec. 17, 2013
Staff Presentation Project Description Staff Recommendation
Proposal is a preliminary plat/planned area development to subdivide acres into 16 lots Located at Seattle Hill Road Under MCMC 16.12, Planned Area Development, requested modifications are minimum lot size reduction and setback reductions Proposal Under Consideration
State Environmental Policy Act Compliance Addressed impacts and mitigation MDNS issued October 31, 2013 No comments or appeals received Public Hearing Notice Posted on property December 4, 2013 Mailed to parties of record and properties within 500’ of site December 4, 2013 Published in Everett Herald December 7, 2013 Statutory Requirements
Vicinity Map N
Aerial Map Site NN
Comprehensive Plan Comprehensive Plan Designation: Low Density Residential (LDR) The site is approximately acres.
Zoning Zoning Map Designation: Low Density Residential (LDR)
Density LDR maximum density allowed is 4 dwelling units (dus) per acre Gross site area is 170,607 square feet; 4 dus per acre allows a total of 16 dus
Seattle Ridge Preliminary Plat NN
16 lots ranging in size from 4,009 square feet to 7,341 square feet 50 foot wide landscaped roadway buffer on Seattle Hill Road; meandering sidewalk Two private open space tracts; one will include a stormwater detention vault Street trees and sidewalks on both sides of road Tract 995 is an access driveway serving Lots 5-8 Preliminary Plat Elements
Requested Modifications MCMC 16.12, Planned Area Development, allows modifications to code requirements if additional benefit is provided. Applicant has requested two modifications: –Reduced minimum lot size –Reduced building setbacks Minimum Lot Size - 8,400 square foot minimum lot size required in LDR zone; request is 4,000 square foot minimum: –Comparable to lot sizes in adjacent neighborhoods –Provision of 50 foot wide roadway buffer results in significant unbuildable area –Reduced lot sizes are needed to meet density targets in Comprehensive Plan –Staff recommends approval of 4,000 square foot minimum lot size
Requested Modifications Reduced Building Setbacks – –Low Density Residential zone requires: 20 foot front yard; corner lots have two front yard setbacks 20 rear yard 20 foot total side yards, with no side yard less than 5 feet –Requested modification: 15 foot setback to house, 20 feet to garage; corner lots 10 foot on second front yard 5 foot rear yard 5 foot side yards –Staff recommends approving: 15 foot setback to house, 20 feet to garage; corner lots 10 foot on second front yard 10 foot rear yard, except 5 feet for Lots 9 and 10 5 foot side yards Requested building setback reductions are consistent with adjacent neighborhoods 35% maximum lot coverage still applies
Requested Modifications Consistency with Planned Area Development, MCMC 16.12: –Reduced lot sizes allow additional open space. –Increased open space reduces impervious surface. –Reduced setbacks allow flexibility in home type while still required to maintain 35% maximum lot coverage. –Reduced setbacks allow integration of new homes similar to type and value of surrounding homes. –Reduced lot sizes are needed to meet density targets while providing roadway buffer as required in Comprehensive Plan.
Access Seattle Ridge access via extension of 146 th Street SE from Webster’s Pond to Seattle Hill Road Due to sight distance issues, Seattle Ridge cannot access onto Seattle Hill Road until planned improvements to Seattle Hill Road are completed Initially, the 146 th Street SE connection to Seattle Hill Road will be restricted to emergency vehicles only; locking bollards will block other vehicle access Once Seattle Hill Road improvements are completed, 146 th Street SE connection will be opened Timing of the planned improvements is unknown
Access Site NN
Staff Recommendation Staff is of the opinion that proposed PP is consistent with: 1.The Land Use Map and applicable Comprehensive Plan policies (see pages of Staff Report) 2.The applicable Development Regulations (see pages of Staff Report)
Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat/Planned Area Development subject to the suggested conditions as outlined in the Staff Report on pages 22-26
Additional Background Info Slides
Existing Conditions
Landscape Plan