Origins of the Cold War
The Post War Aims WRITE NOTES ON PICTURE 1. Wanted to create greater security for itself -lost tens of millions of people -feared a strong Germany 2. Establish defensible borders 3. Rebuild its economy using German industrial equipment 4. Encourage friendly governments on it’s borders 5. Spread communism around the world 1. Wanted all nations to have right of self determination 2. Felt Europe would be more secure with a strong, united Germany 3.Gain access to new markets and raw materials 4. Encourage governments friendly to US interests throughout Europe 5. Spread democracy around the world
Changing World The United Nations was created on 26 June 1945 Its purpose was to maintain international peace and promote cooperation 50 Nations signed the charter establishing the UN. Potsdam Conference in July 1945 Truman and Stalin disagree over German reparations (Stalin wanted Germany to pay for the war)
Stalin creates satellite nations In the “democratic elections” in eastern Europe Stalin forbid all fascists parties from running. Since most parties were part of governments that had allied with Germany during the war, only Communists and Socialists were allowed to run. The US felt Stalin was breaking his promise to allow free elections at the Yalta Conference Eastern Europeans all created Soviet style governments
Stalin creates satellite nations These Eastern European countries became known as satellite nations, countries dominated by the Soviet Union In early 1946 Stalin announced communism and capitalism were incompatible and that war was inevitable
“Iron Curtain” In March 1946, while visiting Fulton, Missouri Churchill exclaimed an Iron Curtain had descended upon Eastern Europe
The Bipolarization of Europe
Cold War Characteristics A political, strategic and ideological struggle between the US and the USSR that spread throughout the world-Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. It was a struggle that contained everything short of war. Each side denied the others right to exist. Each side used propaganda against the other.
Truman Doctrine In 1946 George F. Kennan, a US Diplomat, proposed a Containment policy to prevent the spread of communism to any other country. In 1947, in response to communist threats in Greece and Turkey, Truman announced what would become known as the Truman Doctrine. The US would support any nation threatened by armed minorities. Stalin kept his word to Churchill and did NOT provide support to the Greek Communists.
Marshall Plan Following the War, the European economies were in shambles. Millions of Europeans were living in refugee camps In June 1947 US Secretary of State George Marshall proposed the Marshall Plan - US provide aid to all European nations that needed it. It helped them to resist Communist takeover. The Marshall Plan pumped some $13 billion into 16 European countries
Berlin Airlift At the end of World War II, Germany was divided into four occupation zones. In 1948 France, Great Britain, and the US agreed to combine their zones into one nation Berlin had also been divided, but it was within the Soviet Zone. In June 1948 Stalin closed access to Berlin.
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US Response to Soviet Blockade As a result no food or fuel could reach the 2.1 million residents of West Berlin The Western powers responded with the Berlin Airlift - Flying food and supplies into West Berlin. For 327 days, Allied supply planes took off and landed every few minutes
From 12:00PM April 15, to 12:00PM April 16, 1949, in a 24 hour period 12,941 tons of coal was delivered by 1,383 flights without a single accident. By May 1949, the Soviets had to admit defeat and lifted the blockade.
US Response to Soviet Blockade, II In response to a growing fear of Soviet Aggression in Europe, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO was established. The 12 members of NATO pledged military support to one another in case any member was attacked. It consisted of: -US, Canada, Britain, France, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Portugal, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and Italy
China Chiang Kai-shek – nationalist leader under which China struggled financially; US admired for way he led China against Japan during WWII, but his government was inept and corrupt Mao Zedong – communist leader worked to win peasant support; encouraged them to read and helped improve food production; Communists’ Red Army expanded, much of north China was under Communist control
Civil War in China Civil war erupted following WWII between Nationalists and Communists; Americans favored Nationalists primarily because of who they opposed In May 1949 the Communists gained control of China mainland; they established the People’s Republic of China; Nationalist government fled to the island of Taiwan (Formosa) and established the Republic of China
Civil War in China Americans were upset over the Nationalists failure to hold mainland China. The US and other Western nations refused to recognize the PRC and insisted the ROC represent China in the UN.
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