Walk the Warriors Way on Smoking Remya Rajendren NHS Worcestershire
The project-An Overview Local project in Warndon, Gorse hill and parts of Rainbow Hill areas of Worcester city funded by Community Leadership for Health monies. Aim: To reduce the smoking rate among year olds Project in partnership with WA, Tobacco control and Worcester warriors Co-ordinated by Amanda Hughes-WA coordinator
Warndon and Gorse Hill The areas of Warndon,Gorse Hill and parts of Rainbow Hill fall in the 10% most deprived LSOA in the whole of the country. These areas are 3 among the 7 LSOA across Worcestershire. Area of Highest need
Warndon and Gorse hill
Warndon and Gorse Hill Men in these areas expect to live 10years lesser than those in more affluent parts of the city Hospital Admission rates-per 100,000 population CHDAll cancersSmoking related diseases Warndon Gorse hill Worcester city Worcestershire Lifestyle survey(2005) estimates the proportion of smokers in the area to be 31.2% county average 19.9% Smoking Identified as a Priority.
The Project WA-LSP and W&GH forum liaised with Tobacco Control Alliance and Worcester Warriors –plan a project around educating 10/11year olds on the effects of smoking Worcester Warriors to deliver the session in schools Funding –Community leadership for health
The Project Community Leadership for Health fund Local elected members to take active part in promoting health- community involvement Partners to be involve-youth services, schools, county council and city council Align local initiatives-long term sustainability-Heart Smart Homes CLHF paid for coaches, equipment and promotion materials.
The Project Tobacco Control Alliance trained the Rugby coaches 4 Primary schools in the areas of highest need selected- Cranham Primary School, Fairfield Primary, Warndon Primary, Gorse hill Primary Started on 22 nd Feb 2010 Over 5 weeks, all year 5/6 in the selected schools got 2 hours with the Warrior coaches- I hr-smoking 1hr-tag rugby coaching 720 students in all the schools were engaged with as part of this initiative
Walk the Warrior Way Walk the Warrior Way on smoking Smoking is a deadly killer Tobacco Smoke contains 4000 chemicals!
The Project Community event at Warndon Community centre-Tag rugby competition on 28 th April 320 children from across the county participated-10 teams Winners presented with trophy Stalls promoting healthy lifestyle messages and local health services Awaiting full Evaluation Inspiring and well received Children engaged well with project Children expressed concerns over their parents smoking
The Future Another CLF application successful To run the same program using sports development officer/YMCA supported by other partners. Starting in Sept 2010 Strengthen family involvement