1 Contracting Authority: European Union Support to the promotion of gender equality and women's empowerment in Somalia EUROPEAID/132-170/L/ACT/SO Restricted.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Contracting Authority: European Union Support to the promotion of gender equality and women's empowerment in Somalia EUROPEAID/ /L/ACT/SO Restricted call for proposals Funding Source: EDF 10th, Annual Action Plan 2011 EU Somalia Unit, November 2011

2 Outline of Presentation  Objectives of this Call;  Conditions and indicators to follow;  Financial allocation under this CfP;  Eligible Applicants, eligible partners and number of applications;  Eligible and ineligible actions;  Planned activities under this CfP;  Eligible and ineligibles costs;  Taxes  Important Deadlines and reference documents  How to apply and evaluation procedure

3 Objectives of the Gender call  The promotion of activities that will enhance Somali women capacities in conflict prevention, management and resolution;  The promotion of political participation of women;  Support to victims of GBV and their access to justice;  The promotion of women economic empowerment.

4 Cross-cutting issues Human Rights and Democracy Protection and promotion of children’s rights Environment Respect of the Rule of Law HIV/AIDS

5 Conditions  An updated local conflict analysis;  Coordination and synergies with past and ongoing similar interventions;  The breakdown between administrative costs and operational costs is set at respectively 35% and 65%;  A risk analysis + a contingency plan addressing different security scenarios;  Innovative actions in support of NSAs;

6 Conditions (2)  Participatory processes with NSAs for peace building and state building;  Capacity building should be focused and not an outcome per se;  Service delivery from NGOs should provide transfer of know how to local authorities;  Communication and visibility plan, both in the Full Application and the budget, should be included, provided that security allows for it;

7 Monitoring # of CSOs locally able to improve governance policy and practice at a local and national levels which have a direct benefit to the lives of target groups; # of local actors enabled to engage with peace-making with their own resources; # of policies and practices changed at a local, regional and national level as well as international levels that create a conducive environment for peace and good governance; # of emerging civil society actors supported to represent community and specific interests through innovative means; # of international and Somali actors showing good utilisation of local studies and conflict sensitive and rights based methodologies that improve their relevance and responsiveness to local conditions and needs;

8 Financial allocation under this CfP Total available : EUR Minimum and maximum percentage of total eligible costs of the action: The grant may not be less than 50% and may not exceed 90% of the total eligible costs of the action.

9 Financial allocation under this CfP (2) Size of grants: Minimum amount: EUR Maximum amount: EUR Duration: From a minimum of 12 months to a total of 28 months

10 Eligible Applicants  Non profit making legal persons;  Non State Actors from the EU or a partner country. See guidelines  Legally Registered for at least 2 years (partner country NSA) or 3 years (EU NSA)  International organisations as defined by EU rules and they should fulfil the nationality rules;  With a consolidated experience in the field of development covered by this programme  Directly responsible for preparation and management of action (not intermediary); Both applicants and partners must be in a position to provide proof of their internationally recognised legal registration as a non-profit legal person in a European Union Member State or in a partner country

11 Partner Country & Somali NSA Eligibility is extended to NSA from partner countries, which, under this Call, are all developing countries classified as such by the OECD/DAC ( pdf) Given the particluar situation of Somali NSA, they are not in a position to fulfil the eligibility criteria to act directly as applicants or as partner organisations and they can therefore not apply as applicant.

12 Menu of Options Subcontractors: the grant beneficiaries have the possibility to award contracts to subcontractors, which are neither partners or associates, and are subject to the procurement rules set by the EU as spelled out in ANNEX IV of the Standard Grant Contract (Annex G of Guidelines); Associates: involved in the action, only per diems and travel costs are reimbursed

13 Options for participation (2) Sub-granting is allowed under this call Financial support can be provided to third parties, but not main purpose of the action. Max. per sub-grant is EUR per third party and overall limited to EUR Final beneficiaries: (1) on issues of capacity building; (2) dialogue and (3) public awareness.

14 Options (3) It is therefore recommended that applicants include detailed information on these beneficiaries and how they will be supported

15 N. Of Applications/Grants per Applicant An applicant may not submit more than 1 application under this Call; An applicant may not be awarded more than 1 grant under this Call; An applicant may, at the same time, be partner in another application; Partners may take part in more than one application.

16 Eligible actions  Sectors & themes:  Support to Gender equality and women empowerment;  Location:  Action must take place in Somalia BUT, applicants need to carefully consider issues of access into the intervention area as they are responsible for their own security during implementation

17 Types of activities -examples  Access to justice for victims of GBV (including data collection for legislation change) as well as psycho- social support;  Women participation in the democratization processes linked with elections;  Support to women professional associations and market analysis;  Support to gender mainstreaming in NSAs programmes;  Support the implementation of the UNSCR package;  Enhancement of the dialogue between the Somali NSAs, the Governments at all levels and the international community on women issues;  Increased capacity of NSAs as a watch-dog;  Establish mechanisms to facilitate women involvement in policy making

18 Ineligible actions Individual sponsorship for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences and congresses; One-off conferences; Individual scholarships for studies or training course; Action in the formal education sector

19 Ineligible Actions (2) Purchases of land or buildings, except where necessary for the direct implementation of the action, in which case ownership must be transferred to the final beneficiaries and/or local partners, at the latest by the end of the action; currency exchange losses; Actions that discriminate against individuals or groups of people on the ground of their gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or ethnic origin Support to political parties Actions including proselytism

20 Eligible costs Actually incurred during the implementation of the action –except final reports and audit certificates- Indicated in the estimated overall budget of the action Necessary for the implementation of the action Identifiable, verifiable, recorded in the beneficiary s accounts Based on real costs and supporting documents – except per diems and indirect costs where flat-rate applies Reasonable, justified and cost-efficient The EC may impose modifications to address mistakes, inaccuracies, unrealistic or ineligible costs in the budget before signing the grant contracts

21 Ineligible Costs Debts and provisions for losses or debts; Provisions for losses or potential future liabilities; Interest owed; Costs declared by the beneficiaries and covered by another action or work programme;

22 Ineligible Costs 2 Purchase of land or buildings, except where necessary for the direct implementation of the action, in which case ownership must be transferred to the final beneficiaries and/or local partners, at the latest by the end of the action; Currency exchange losses; Taxes including VAT (they can only be considered eligible if the applicant can prove it cannot reclaim them). Credit to third parties.

23 Reference documents  Documents to be considered:  The methodological Project Cycle Management approach (March 2004 Manual).  The Joint Strategy Paper with his annexes and relevant sector strategies  New guidelines for grant contracts : _finances/guides/prag/index_en.htm _finances/guides/prag/index_en.htm  The Millennium Development Goals  The European Strategy for Africa  The European Consensus for development (OJ 2006/ C46/01)  The OECD/DAC principles for good international engagement in fragile states and situations (2007)  The Gender Profile of Somalia (2008)  Communication on Gender Equality and Women’s empowerment in Development Cooperation (2007) and the Council Conclusions (2007)

24 Reference documents 2 EU Agenda for Action on MDGs (2008) EU Guidelines on Violence against Women and Girls and Combating All Forms of Discrimination against them (december 2008) Roadmap for Equality between Women and men ( ) The EU Gender Action Plan (2010) The UNSC resolutions package

25 Important Deadlines  RESTRICTED CfPs : Submission of concept notes: 10 January 2012  Deadline for requesting clarifications: 6 th December 2011  Last date on which clarifications are published: 16 th December 2011  Notification of Decision: April 2012 (indicative)  Start of Action : 1 st September 2012 (indicative)  All contracts under this programme must be signed before the end of 2012

26 How to apply? Prior Registration in PADOR for applicants and their partners is obligatory. For further questions and information please consult:

27 Application form This is a restricted call: Concept note (part A) Then: Full application form (Part B) Budget Logical framework Legal entity sheet Financial identification form

28 Application form Applications must be sent by registered mail, private courier service or hand delivery; applications sent by any other means (e.g. by fax or by ) or delivered to other addresses will be rejected. Applicants must verify that their application is complete using the checklist (section 6 of the grant application form). Incomplete applications will be rejected.

29 Evaluation procedure 4 STEPS  Opening and administrative check  Evaluation of concept note  Evaluation of full proposal  Verification of eligibility of applicants and partners, this will be done through supporting documents to be attached in PADOR