ITU Regional Workshop on “ICTs for Women's Empowerment in the Arab Region” Kuwait, 5-6 Oct E-Women in Bahrain Case Examples and Recommendations 1
A Modern Woman For A Better Future 2 mins 2
Bahrain's Success Stories- Yahya Al Ansari and Hessa Ali Hussain-The Inventors 3 mins 3
Bahraini's Success Stories - Azizah Salman- Vision and Imagination 3 mins 4
5 Women and ICT Expectations Health Education Social EconomicLegal Infrastructure and Environment IndustryLeadership 6 mins
Recommendations to Policymakers Take gender consideration into account Debate the gender gap through national and international forms Develop nontraditional approaches for women empowerment in ICT to increase access and use of ICT 6 2 mins
Recommendations to Policymakers Development and design of e-content. Enhance the women Leadership and power in ICT. Increase ICT literacy for women in villages 7 2 mins
Final Word Woman to Woman Women should not wait for policymakers alone to bridge the ‘digital divide’ but rather take action through ICTs to access information sources and engage in the communication processes to achieve their socio-economic development goals. 8 2 mins Ref: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR WOMEN’S SOCIO-ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT
In the Future Arab Women Gateway 9
10 Dr. Salma Alderazi Mobile: Work Tel: Fax: My Contact
Thank you Name and title of the presenter Mail address 11