Data Collection for HDM Christopher R. Bennett EASTE
2 Presentation Overview Principles of Data Collection Location Referencing Pavement Data Traffic Data Generic Specifications
Principles of Data Collection
4 Good Data Critical for HDM Without good data cannot have sensible results If input data are wrong why worry about calibration?
5 Categories of Data Inventory Physical elements of system Do not change markedly over time Typically measured in ‘one off’ exercise and updated Condition Change over time Require regular (or irregular) monitoring
6 What to Collect? Foundational question Decision often based on Wish list (“nice to have”) Existing or historical data collection processes Can lead to data collection becoming an end in itself Excessive or inefficient data collection could compromise project
7 Cambodia: $600,000 for 11,000 km ($55/km) Included procurement of equipment, vehicles, surveys Laos: $225,000 for 8,000 km ($28/km) Surveys and map preparation New Zealand: $10-$15/km Surveys only Comparative Costs
8 Recommended Approach Collect only the data you need Collect data to the lowest level of detail sufficient to make an appropriate decision Collect data only when they are needed Use pilot studies to test the appropriateness of the approach
9 Network Level Data Calibration Data Performance StructureCondition RideDistressFriction IQL-5 IQL-4 IQL-3 IQL-2 IQL-1 System Performance Monitoring Planning and Performance Evaluation Programme Analysis or Detailed Planning Project Level or Detailed Programme Project Detail or Research HIGH LEVEL DATA LOW LEVEL DATA Data Detail Very Important
10 Survey Frequency Inventory Data One off exercise Updated/verified ~5 years Pavement Condition Data Main roads 1-2 years Minor roads ~2-5 years Bridge Condition Data Regular surveys 1-2 years Intensive surveys ~5 years Traffic Data Permanent count stations (24/7/365) Short-term count stations (~ days)
Location Referencing
12 The Most Important Issue Unless properly referenced, data will be of limited use Two elements: The location The address used to identify the location Three components: Identification of a known point (eg km stone) Direction (ie increasing/decreasing) Distance measurement (ie displacement/ offset)
13 One Location - Many Addresses
14 Linear Referencing Most common Different methods Kilometre point (e.g., 9.29) Kilometre post (e.g., 9.29 with equations) Reference point (e.g., xx ) Reference post (e.g., xx )
15 Referencing a Network
16 Examples of Referencing (NZ) Large Roundabout Divided Carriageway
17 Examples of Referencing (NZ) Ramp
18 Example of Referencing a Highway
19 Referencing Business Process
20 Spatial Referencing Latitude/Longitude Usually measured with GPS Accuracy typically 95% +/- 10 m Improved through differential correction or post-processing Survey issues will typically give accuracy +/- 1 m Recorded in WGS84 datum and so usually needs to be converted to local co-ordinate system
21 GPS Validation
22 Examples of GPS Data Processing Topological Corrections Correcting for incomplete survey Harmonizing different survey data
23 Cambodia - Validation of Survey Lengths
24 Manual Validation of Centreline
25 GPS Data Projection - NZ Aerial/Satellite photos and ground survey data can have different projections Wrong Projections Correct Projections
26 GPS Data Projection - Samoa
Pavement Data Collection - General
28 Pavement Data Framework
29 Measurement Equipment Types
30 Multi-function Systems Measure multiple attributes in a single pass Most cost effective and reduces location referencing issues Two groups: Portable systems: installed in any vehicle Dedicated systems: custom instrumented vehicle Portable usually cheaper and more sustainable but sophisticated measurements require dedicated vehicle
31 Typical Survey Progress - Cambodia
32 Data Processing Surveys result in a large amount of data Unless processing is done during survey significant delays Contracts require data submission within 30 days of survey Quality assurance is challenging but essential Philippines: some data returned 4 times to contractor for correction ALL projects have underestimated difficulties in data processing
33 Location Referencing Digital DMI (< $1 k) GPS (< $1 – 10 k) GPS with Inertial System (< $ k)
34 Geometry Combine GPS and precision gyroscopes/ inclinometers (> $50k) Precise 3-D measurements including cross-fall
35 Video Logging
37 Roughness ‘Bumpiness’ of road Usually related to serviceability but also reflects structural deterioration Affects VOC, safety, comfort, speed Most commonly expressed as IRI IRI simulates response of ‘Quarter-car’ to road profile
38 IRI Scale
39 Types of Equipment
40 Roughness Measurements Class I Class III
41 Variability Between Class I Instruments 2.5 IRI (m/km) 3.5
42 Comparison of Footprints
43 Comparison of Toyota Landcruiser Roughness Calibrations Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2
Structural Capacity
45 Structural Capacity Destructive techniques Coring DCP Non-destructive techniques Deflection measurements
46 Deflectometers Trailer FWD Vehicle FWDPortable
47 Benkelman Beam
48 Ground Penetrating Radar
Surface Distresses
50 Surface Distresses Performed manually or with automated equipment Includes: Cracking Surface Defects Deformations Great variation in measures used between countries
51 Distress Measurements
52 Video Distress Analysis
53 Current Situation – Video Distress A number of successful commercial systems Some degree of human intervention required Systems usually expensive (> $200 k) and require dedicated vehicles with supplemental lighting Technology ‘evolving’
54 Rut Depths Measured using discrete sensors (ultrasonic/laser) or line Data analyzed to simulate rut depth under a straight edge Systematic under- recording with discrete sensors
55 Implications of Sampling With discrete sampling need to have sufficient sensors to capture key profile information Profiles Usually Sample at Discrete Points Rut Depth Error vs Number of Sensors
Selecting Equipment
57 Selecting Equipment Used multi-criteria analysis based on survey and literature review Weightings changed based on road type/class
58 Cost/Performance Matrix – All Roads
59 Cost/Performance Matrix - Expressways
60 Cost/Performance Matrix – Urban Roads
61 Cost/Performance Matrix – Rural Roads
62 Cost/Performance Matrix – Unsealed Roads
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