Egg Drop 3/2/15 3/2Egg Drop- Design and Shopping list 3/3No School students except Juniors HW: finish design – communicate through google documents- share address 3/4Egg Drop- Shopping day and building the design 3/5 Egg Drop- complete building and start drops HW: lab report 3/6Egg Drop- final drops and momentum quiz HW: Finish typed lab report and submit to by Sunday 3/8
Date: 3/2Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Bell Ringer: Determine the momentum of 1. a 110-kg professional fullback running across the line at 9.2 m/s. 2. a 0.45 Caliber bullet (m = kg) leaving the muzzle of a gun at 860 m/s. 3. an electron (m= 9.1 x kg) moving at 2.18 x 10 6 m/s (scientific notation (2 nd log and use parentheses)) Web site: PhysicsClassroom Momentum Problems
Date: 3/2Goal: I can expalin how the change in momentum can affect an object Correction! Home work over the weekend TB p ,6 and p ,2,6,7
Date: 3/2Goal: I can expalin how the change in momentum can affect an object p. 315 #2 What’s up with this question? Momentum before and after a collision and an explosion
Date: 3/2Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Egg Drop Project- Directions
Date: 3/2Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Egg Drop Project- partners 3rd Bryan/ AmeradaIrving/Gina Zinnari / Juan R Naomi/Lorenzo Jennifer / DJJesus/ Claudia Bryam/ MarcosJacqueline/Areli Dereck /Jaime Adriana/Luz Erik / JustineAshley / Juan C
Date: 3/2Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Egg Drop Project- partners 5rd Alejandro/LesleyErika/ Ha Antonio / LuzHaider /Nicole Hekima / DylanCorinthian /Shawana/Tejasvi Elias/Mariella Gesselle /Jacob Kimberly / ElianJorge / Gabriela Syrena / Luis Alasia /Mohammed
Date: 3/2Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Egg Drop Project- partners 6th Kenny /Lygia Jocelyn/ Kevin Erik /RitiDaniela / Jennifer Erika/ Johanna Saad / Alina Marvin /ChristinaJohn /Nikah Charles /GaneeatJessica / Yassine/ Vera Rafael/ JezreelJudah/ Jenny Rahima / Luis
Date: 3/2Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Egg Drop Project- partners 8th Chantiara / LuisCielo/Noel Daniel / KhadizaMyreanna / John Lesley / JeremyAdeel / Alexa Naomi / JeromeItzel / Nathaniel Jenny / Ariel Azzedine/ HemanibenAhniya/ Cristian Beniamin / Zuviriya Schilya / Earl
Date: 3/4Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Bell Ringer: Web site: TB p 314
Date: 3/4Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Egg Drop Project 1.Design the egg holding device - Draw a diagram of your device with notes -Think about to movie car crashes. How do they build cars to reduce the impact of the crash? 2. Create a shopping list of items to build your device
Date: 3/4Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Bell Ringer: Two cars collide in a head on collision. They lock together > < kg 1500 kg 28 m/s 20 m/s What is the speed and direction of the two cars after the collision? m 1 v 1 + m 2 v 2 = (m 1 +m 2 )v 1and2 Web site: TB p 314
Date: 3/4Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Bell Ringer: Two cars collide in a head on collision. They lock together > < kg 1500 kg 28 m/s 20 m/s What is the speed and direction of the two cars after the collision? m 1 v 1 + m 2 v 2 = (m 1 +m 2 )v 1and2 G- m 1 =1200kg v1=28m/sm2=1500kg v2=-20m/s U- v1and 2 after E-m 1 v 1 + m 2 v 2 = (m 1 +m 2 )v 1and2 S-(1200kg(28m/s))+(1500kg(-20m/s))=(1200kg+1500kg)v 1and2 S (-30000) = 2700 v1and2 3600/2700=v 1and2 1.3= v 1and2 Web site: TB p 314
Date: 3/4Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Egg Drop Project 1.You will be called up one group at a time 2.Your design needs to be complete 2.Your shopping list must have items and total 3.Build your device- once approved
Date: 3/5Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Bell Ringer: Two cars collide in a head on collision and stick together > < kg 1000 kg 23 m/s 29 m/s What is the speed and direction of the two cars after the collision? m 1 v 1 + m 2 v 2 = (m 1 +m 2 )v 1and2 Web site: TB p 314
Date: 3/4Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Bell Ringer: Two cars collide in a head on collision. They lock together > < kg 1000 kg 23 m/s 29 m/s What is the speed and direction of the two cars after the collision? m 1 v 1 + m 2 v 2 = (m 1 +m 2 )v 1and2 G- m 1 =1100kg v1=23m/sm2=1000kg v2=-29m/s U- v 1and 2 after E-m 1 v 1 + m 2 v 2 = (m 1 +m 2 )v 1and2 S-(1100kg(23m/s))+(1000kg(-29m/s))=(1100kg+1000kg)v 1and2 S (-29000) = 2100 v1and /2100=v 1and m/s= v 1and2
Date: 3/5Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Analysis Questions: Calculate the potential energy of the egg before it is dropped. GPE=? Calculate the kinetic energy of the egg when it reaches the floor (just before impact). KE bottom = ? Calculate the velocity of the egg when it reaches the floor (just before impact). V 2 =2gh (before) Calculate the velocity of the egg after it collides with the floor (after impact). -Need to measure the height of the bounce after it hits the floor and use V 2 =2gh (After) What was the change in momentum of the egg during the collision with the floor. P=m(v before -v after ) Calculate the impulse (change in Momentum = m v) of the egg during its impact.
Date: 3/6Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Bell Ringer: In the picture below, a 3000kg truck moving with a velocity of 10 m/s collides with a 1000 kg car that is at rest. After the collision the vehicles are separated and the car moves away at 15m/s. What is the truck’s velocity after the collision? m 1 v 1 + m 2 v 2 = m 1 v 1 + m 2 v 2 beforeAfter
Date: 3/6Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Bell Ringer: In the picture below, a 3000kg truck moving with a velocity of 10 m/s collides with a 1000 kg car that is at rest. After the collision the vehicles are separated and the car moves away at 15m/s. What is the truck’s velocity after the collision? G- m 1 =3000kg v 1before =10m/s m 2 =1000kg v 2before =0m/s v 2after =15m/s U- v 1after E- m 1 v 1 + m 2 v 2 = m 1 v 1 + m 2 v 2 before After S- (3000kg(10m/s)) +(1000kg(0m/s)) = (3000kg(v)) +(1000kg(15m/s)) S kgm/s + 0= (3000kg)v kgm/s 30000kgm/s kgm/s = (3000kg)v 15000kgm/s= (3000kg)v 15000kgm/s = v 3000kg 5m/s = v
Date: 3/6Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Complete Building 10 min Drop Egg and Device20 min Complete Lab Report20 Min Lab Report Example
Date: 3/6Goal: I can design and create a device that will protect an egg during a large change in momentum Complete Building 10 min Drop Egg and Device20 min Complete Lab Report20 Min 5 week exam next week- Tuesday Momentum-Collision activity- How does mass and velocity affect collision, Momentum video “Understanding Car Crashes”, TB p TB p ,6 and p ,2,6,7, TB p 315 sample problems, Egg Drop Lab Activity Friction Gravity on the moon Work Power Understanding Car Crashes: It's Basic Physics Understanding Car Crashes: It's Basic Physics
Date: 2/26Goal: I can explain how the change in momentum can affect an object Due today Notebook – TB p. 306 and take CN – TB p. 308 Essential Questions – HW: TB p. 307 # 1-3 – HW: TB: p. 315 #1-3 WB p Momentum video and Worksheet WB p
Date: 2/26Goal: I can expalin how the change in momentum can affect an object p ,6 p ,2,6,7
M As I'm sure you suspect, momentum in physics is different from "momentum" in sports on tv, as in "Yes, Chris, the Bengals really have momentum on this drive!". However, physics momentum is related to football momentum in that both concepts refer to how difficult it will be to stop something.What makes an object difficult to stop? Its mass, for one thing. After all, mass measures the inertia of an object - how much the object resists accelerating. Certainly, more mass means more momentum - the momentum of an object is directly proportional to its mass. Twice the mass means twice the momentum. Momentum is not the same as mass, though. For one thing, an object that is not moving has no momentum, no matter how much mass it has.Fast objects are also difficult to stop. Bullets have a very small mass, but you wouldn't want to try and stop one! More speed means more momentum - momentum is directly proportional to velocity. Twice the speed means twice the momentum.Since the momentum of an object is directly proportional to both its mass and its velocity,Momentum = (mass)(velocity) = mvMomentum is a vector quantity. Its direction is the same as the direction of the object's velocity.