Show Leadership in the Workplace Prepared & Lectured by Sam Capolino
Session Outline Reflection on Leadership Effective Leadership Guidelines Support & Encouragement to Improve Team Culture Barriers to Team Effectiveness & Strategies to Address these Related Policies & Procedures for Leadership in Workplaces Case Studies & Film Clips to support session
Leadership…..when you see or hear this word, what images, thoughts or feelings do you get?
Think about a leader that you have worked with (doesn’t have to be related to work). Was he/she a good or bad leader? What happened?
What qualities do you think a leader should have?
Some of my thoughts on leadership qualities...
……….. which should not be adopted !
Every leader must also follow …
It’s not the actual feedback that counts, but what follows
Effective Leadership Guidelines Provides leadership, direction and guidance to the organisation - Creating/conveying clear vision on future direction - Effectively initiating change - Taking responsibility for teams - Demonstrating resilience, stamina and reliability under heavy pressure - Demonstrating integrity, honesty and fairness.
Effective Leadership Guidelines Facilitates meetings and group discussions - Encouraging creative thinking of others - Choosing methods of communication most likely to secure effective results (group, on-the-job etc).
Effective Leadership Guidelines Maintains effective networks - Knowing how to find resources - Applying best practice in dealings with other organisations (confidentiality, good communication skills) - Negotiating services on behalf of clients.
Effective Leadership Guidelines Manages risk & resolves conflict within the organisation and other parties - Acting decisively after having assessed the situation.
Effective Leadership Guidelines Understands and articulates the context in which the service operates - Understanding political, legislative and procedural processes and how to operate within them (e.g. current issues affecting aged care, lobbying, policies & procedures) - Promotes the organisation (e.g. supports organisation’s mission etc).
Effective Leadership Guidelines Models organisational relationships based on trust and respect for all groups - Being visible, approachable and earning respect - Inspiring and showing loyalty - Taking steps to building trust, demonstrating high morals and being cooperative - Communicating effectively with other management systems (e.g. Board members)
Effective Leadership Guidelines Provides leadership that encourages a sense of identity and purpose of direction - Carrying forward decisions made - Managing relationships between staff and management.
Effective Leadership Guidelines Manages and improves the performance of individuals and teams - Building a high performing team - Appropriately addressing poor performance (as per “Supervise Work” session).
Effective Leadership Guidelines Supports and develops staff - Consulting staff and identifying training needs in order to develop their full potential - Seeking face to face contact and responding to feedback from staff & clients
Effective Leadership Guidelines Develops effective leadership roles - Delegating decisions appropriately - Making best use of skills and resources.
Are you prepared to be a Leader? Complete & Reflect on the “Are you ready to be a leader” handout
Video Clip Inspiring Leadership 6:04
Providing Support & Encouragement to Improve Team Culture as a Team Leader Have regular meetings to discuss roles & responsibilities Gather team members regularly to discuss progress Assist in identifying & documenting work goals/tasks for team members for their work plans Brainstorming sessions to encourage inclusivity Ensure new employees meet with team members (formally or informally) Share professional information through newsletters, noticeboards etc – to encourage team awareness, celebrate successes, identify issues and goals
Providing Support & Encouragement to Improve Team Culture as a Leader Build consultation and feedback processes Provide feedback to team members (as per “Supervise Work” session) Recognise that some team members have a lot to share in terms of their experience, skills – consult them for their input Promote and encourage team members to share theirthoughts/ideas and to communicate freely within teams Have team building sessions. See “Team Checklist” Handouts x2
What barriers may affect the way a team functions?
Barriers to Team Effectiveness Poor Communication - English a second language - Instructions not given clearly - Misunderstandings - People not saying what they’re really thinking misinterpretations.
Barriers to Team Effectiveness Lack of skills/knowledge - Prevent teams to achieve goals - Make the team work slower - Cause problems, bad feelings between group members - E.g. Inadequate training provided, assigned roles not suitable, new staff not inducted properly.
Barriers to Team Effectiveness Language difficulties - Information misinterpreted - Group members feel isolated from team - Work may take longer - E.g. Inadequate training provided, assigned roles not suitable, new staff not inducted properly.
Barriers to Team Effectiveness Lack of equipment/resources - Team members complain about lack of equipment/resources - Quality of work affected - Group members blame coordinator - E.g. Insufficient funds, equipment poorly maintained/assessed.
Barriers to Team Effectiveness Poor team spirit - Staff may become bored/frustrated if skills are being “wasted” (not used) in their role - Staff may make mistakes if work too repetitive and not challenging - E.g. Not delegating work appropriately to match person’s skill, lack of motivation.
Barriers to Team Effectiveness Inappropriate behaviour (racism, offensiveness, rudeness, bullying) - Group member often late – others do their tasks - Group member distracted and doesn’t perform well - Group members hostile to eachother - E.g. Employee may not be aware of policies/standards, personal problems, thinks more of themselves than others.
Barriers to Team Effectiveness Being negative - Workplace doesn’t promote enthusiasm/positive work attitude - Negativity spreads like wild fire – affects all! - E.g. Heavy workloads, personality clashes, stress, misunderstanding of tasks.
Barriers to Team Effectiveness Unrealistic expectations from coordinator - Group members feel pressured - Stress may cause members to be rude to each other - E.g. Pressure from organisation to increase workloads, not understanding what is required of task, not understanding circumstances.
Barriers to Team Effectiveness Inappropriate behaviour from coordinator (unfairness, lack of support, poor motivation) - Group members unsure of expectations - Group may feel lack of trust - Group members feel they are left to their own devices. - E.g. Being overworked, no stopping to think how actions affect people, coordinator doesn’t understand situation & can’t provide the support, coordinator doesn’t have skills to provide support.
1.What barriers to an effective team may Carla have? 2.What OTHER barriers not discussed, may prevent a team from operating effectively?
Class Activity “Balancing Act” & “The Stick Game” Aim: To encourage team work behaviour & team leadership
Strategies to Address Barriers Poor Communication? Lack of skills/knowledge ? Language difficulties ? Lack of equipment/resources ? Poor team spirit ? Inappropriate behaviour (racism, offensiveness, rudeness, bullying) ? Being negative ? Unrealistic expectations from coordinator ? Inappropriate behaviour from coordinator (unfairness, lack of support, poor motivation) ?
Reviewing Policies & Procedures Conflict Resolution Complaints Process Inappropriate Behaviour Management Discrimination Bullying Punctuality Offensive Language Skill & Professional Development Debriefing (Critical incidences, resident deaths).
Video Clip Team Leadership 4:16
Don’t forget about tomorrow! Movie day (rounding off the session on Workplace Supervision & Team Leadership) Bring snacks/drinks Assessment help will also be offered for those requiring it.
References Aspire Learning Resources, (2009), “Advocate for Clients – CHCAD401D,” Melbourne, Victoria. Department of Family & Community Services, National Volunteer Skills Centre, (2004) “Provide Leadership in the Workplace: Learning guide for volunteers”, Melbourne, Victoria. TeachingWithMovies.Com, (2009), “Leadership”, main.htm, Accessed 20/6/ main.htm