Do Rotary Clubs have customers?
When we see someone as a customer, what questions do we ask ourselves?
How do know what customers like and don’t like?
How do we think of “value” when we are the customer?
What are the Total Benefits a Rotarian might feel at a club, district or int’l meeting or project?
Which of those benefits do you personally rate the highest?
Should we segment members and what they value? AgeFamilyNeedsRotary’s Place Over 60Out of the nest Social, engagement being a mentor A place to stay engaged and pursue personal interests 35-60Raising, educating Recognition, awareness being responsible A place to belong, to serve and to be recognized Under 35 StartingContact, being mentored, personal growth, learning A place to develop contacts, learn about community, experiment
Do we “pay” to be a Rotarian, beyond the cash we hand over?
What are the “moments of truth” for judging the benefits and the costs?
Members leave when the costs of being a Rotarian do not exceed the benefits
How do we increase the Total Benefits of Rotary to a member?
How do we reduce the Total Costs of Rotary to a member?
ElementsPhases Passionate advocacy Cultural experience Utilize & internalize3. “Living it” phase Ready to promote Personalize Ready to defend2. “Believing it” phase Acceptance Understanding Awareness1. “Hearing it” phase Contact It takes time to grow a Rotary Brand Ambassador GSE team leader Club President District Role: AG, etc Matching Grant Mgr Student host family NID trip Intl Convention Club Service Project Club responsibility Attending wk meetings Rotary Leadership Inst.
Recap This Conversation Members can be seen as customers Who vote with their feet – stay or leave How do we build the benefits? How do we reduce the costs?