HIV and AIDS Epidemic Among Adolescents and Youth in Poland Social AIDS Committee
General Context Poland
Some Basic Indicators in Poland Population of Poland – ca. 38 million people Percentage of the population under 15 – ca. 17% Percentage of the population under 24 – ca. 31%* Population between – ca. 2,7 mln. * Concise Statistical Yearbook of Poland 2009
HIV/AIDS in Poland HIV infections (accumulated number), incl. at least infected due to drug use due to heterosexual contacts MSM – AIDS cases – AIDS-related deaths 7004 patients on ARV treatment, incl. 118 children (on Oct. 1, 2013) Estimated – about HIV cases
Newly Detected HIV Cases, AIDS Diagnoses, AIDS deaths in AIDS CasesAIDS Deaths New HIV Cases Newly Detected HIV Cases AIDS Cases and Deaths
Newly Detected HIV Cases in per Population
AIDS cases in per population
* Dane do października 2011 roku All newly identified HIV cases, including data reported by VCT centers in 2011 VCT NIH
HIV Cases by Route of Infection ( ) MSM Risky Heterosexual Contacts No Information IDU Children Born by HIV+ Mothers IDU Iatrogenic infections
Routes of Transmission in Case of VCT Center Clients in 2011 other no data
Na podstawie raportu z analizy ankiet przeprowadzonych w PKD w 2010 roku Sex of HIV-infected clients Sex of all VCT Center clients No data 0,7% Men Women Women Men Based on the analysis of data from questionnaires provided by VCT centers in 2010
Age of all VCT Center clients Age of HIV-infected clients
N=333 % of HIV+ cases among VCT Center clients ( ) % of HIV+ among MSM population % of HIV+ among IDU population HIV test + result HIV test - result HIV test + result HIV test - result HIV test + result HIV test - result
HIV/AIDS Among Young People 48% of HIV-infected people are younger than 29 years, and out this group, 8% at the moment of infection were younger than 20 years of age More people infect themselves through risky sexual intercourse, often combined with the use of psychoactive substances 16,8% of girls and 27,3% of boys before turning 15 years old have already had their first sexual contact, what brings a risk of HIV transmission Another important risky behavior in this population is body piercing done with unsterile equipment
HCV Cases in Poland Estimated number of HCV infections In 2010 in Poland 2021 hepatitis C cases were registered (incidence 5.29 per 100,000) age group make ca. 28% of newly detected cases Laskus I., Rosińska M. Wirusowe zapalenie wątroby typu C w Polsce w 2007 roku. Przegl Epidemiol 2009; 63: 251 – 254]
Hepatitis C in Poland Number of cases, incidence per population and percentage by age, sex and location (urban vs. rural) Age group GenderAreaTOTAL malefemaleurbanrural IN.PR%IN.PR%IN.PR%IN.PR%IN.PR% ,884,4332,733,7483,533,1343,057,1823,324, ,276,9513,585,7885,185,7413,48,51294,446, ,210,7603,716,71457,149,4352,797,31805,488, ,5610,4543, ,299,3282,555,81715,598,5 Total 11236, , , , ,
TB in Poland 7509 TB cases were reported in Poland in 2010 The incidence rate was 19,7 cases per The mean annual decrease of TB incidence in was 2,9% The mean age of TB patients was 52,7 years. The incidence among men i.e was more than two times higher than among women i.e TB was initial AIDS indicative disease in 24 cases
TB Summary In Poland in the last decade the incidence of tuberculosis has decreased by nearly 30% but is higher than the average in EU countries. In 2010 the highest incidence occurred in older age groups and was higher in men. Positive characteristic also when compared with the situation in many EU countries is the low incidence of tuberculosis in children and the low percentage of patients with drug resistant tuberculosis.
Drug situation in Poland - THC 17,3 % people between 16 – 64 years old use marijuana at least one time in last 12 months 23% young people between years old Social study - ESPAD 2012 shows that: – 24,3 % youth between 13 – 16 y.o. use marijuana and hashish – 37,3 % adolescents between 16 – 19 y.o. use marijuana and hashis – In last 12 months using in the group were at level 10,1% and 23,5 %.
Report made by govermental Supreme Audit Office shows that 31% of people between 13 – 19 y.o. witnessed how others used some psychoactive substance.
Drug situation in Poland EMCDDA 2012 EMCDDA study shows that: -3% people between y.o. used cocaine in last 12 months at least one time -4% people between y.o. used amphetamine in last 12 months at least one time -2% people between y.o. used MDMA in last 12 months at least one time -23 % people between y.o. used THC in last 12 months at least one time
Narcotic scene in Poland - last 2 years Many young people between y.o. use in Poland: – Legal highs (alfa PVP, MDPV, 3MMC, 2CE2CX) – GHB/GBL – Non prescription drugs with DXM, codeine, benzydamine, – Synthetic cannabinoid – JWH 018,etc. – Mephedrone (4MMC) – other methcathinons (ephedrine, etc), beta ketones (penthedron, other euphorics). data from Drug Users Clinic MONAR