House Bill (HB) 571: Regulation of Certain Aggregate Production Operations Lynda Clayton, Team Leader, Water Quality Assessment Water Quality Advisory Work Group Meeting July 19, 2011
Applicability & Definitions HB 571 is applicable to all aggregate production operations Aggregate Production Operation: the site from which aggregates are being or have been removed or extracted from the earth Aggregate: any commonly recognized construction material originating from an aggregate production operation
Requirements of HB 571 Aggregate production operations must register with TCEQ annually. –Initial registration is required by all applicable aggregate production operations by September 1, –TCEQ must establish registration fees not to exceed $1,000. TCEQ must survey the state annually for aggregate production facilities.
Requirements of HB 571 TCEQ must inspect each aggregate production operation every three years. TCEQ must establish penalties of no less than $5,000 and no more than $10,000 for every year in which an aggregate production facility operates without registration (total penalty no greater than $25,000). The effective date of HB571 is September 1, 2011
Implementation of HB 571: The path forward Initiation of rule making to add new 30 TAC 342 Development of stakeholder group and upcoming meeting Time line