E FFECTS OF S MOKING ON THE F ETUS By:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
C ONCEIVING Smoking makes it harder to conceive female and male smokers have lower fertility levels Smoking reduces the chances of IVF succeeding. nicotine reduces a woman's fertility by affecting the production of hormones Male smokers have a sperm count that is 15% lower
P RE – B IRTH Toxins keep the baby from getting nutrients. Pre-term delivery Miscarriage Increased heart rate
A T B IRTH Low birth weight Death Stillborn May have to stay in the hospital longer
L ONG T ERM Colds and lung problems learning disabilities physical growth problems Ear infections
S ECOND H AND S MOKE risk of developing lung cancer heart disease, emphysema, allergies, asthma, and other health problems reduced lung capacity and are at higher risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
C ITATIONS "Smoking and Your Baby." Smoking and your baby: Need help putting down that cigarette?. American Pregnancy Association, Web. 26 Jan Nazario, B.. Smoking during pregnancy. N.p., Web. 26 Jan Owen, P.. "Pregnancy and smoking.". N.p., Web. 27 Jan