ABOUT ME JANET DEE READING MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL ◦Instructional Technology Specialist ◦CS Teacher ◦Rockets Help Desk Instructional Leader ExploringCS Course National Facilitator for Code.Org and NSF Funded Programs including MAECSP HGSE ScratchEd Team Consultant and Cambridge MA ScratchEd Meetup Co-Coordinator CSTA Greater Boston and CSTA National Member
Agenda Meet and Greet – About Us Logistics Google Doc for Sharing Today National Happenings Professional Development in MA Cross Curriculum Coding Platforms Time Out to Join Next Steps
Meet and Greet Two Rounds Round 1: Name and where you work/live Round 2: If you had a super power, what would it be? ?
Logistics Google Doc for Sharing Notes If you add something please follow with your name (First Name and Last Initial) URL: Parking Lot for Questions/Comments White Board
National Happenings White House Weekly Address: Giving Every Student an Opportunity to Learn Through Computer Science For All - Jan 30, 2016
National Happenings CODE Hour Of Code Curriculum for all Grades Advocacy Online Code Studio CSTA Daily Newsletter Annual Conference Advocacy Local Charters NSF Supported CS Initiatives CS Curriculum ExploringCS CS Principles CS in STEM Scalable Game Design Computational Thinking in STEM Support for Teachers and Schools Lead CS CS10K
CODE Elementary School: Computer Science Fundamentals - completely free curriculum consists of multiple courses, each of which has about 20 lessons that may be implemented as one unit or over the course of a semester Middle School Computer Science in Science – Project GUTS (Growing Up Thinking Scientifically) developed by Irene Lee based on MIT StarLogo Nova designed to introduce of computer science concepts into science classrooms within the context of modeling and simulation Computer Science in Algebra – Bootstrap founded by Emmanuel Schanzer, Boston educator currently at Brown University designed specifically to teach Algebraic and Geometric concepts through Computer Science Computer Science Discoveries – in development by Code.Org to launch High School AP CS Principles – based on JavaScript. Developed by Code.Org and delivered online.AP CS Principles
Professional Development in MA DESE: New Digital Literacy and Computer Science Standards Local Partners Supporting Professional Development in CS CAITE - UMASS AmherstCAITE MECSP – Framingham State, UMASS Boston and UMASS AmherstMECSP ScratchEd – Harvard Graduate School of EducationScratchEd MassTLC Education Foundation – supports Technovation Challenge and CS Ed WeekMassTLC Education Foundation
More on CS PD in MA MASSCAN’s 4 Initiatives DESE’s New Digital Literacy and Computer Science Standards Teacher Professional Development Teacher Licensure Endorsement Higher Ed: Methods in CS Teaching and Technology in Education Curriculum
Cross Curriculum Coding Platforms Developed and/or Currently Supported in MA PlatformDeveloperSupporting Website for Teaching and Learning App InventorGoogle and MITMobile CSP AppInventor Team, MIT BlocksCadEinstein’s WorkshopBlocksCad Documentation Pencil CodeDavid Bau (Google)PencilCode Teacher’s Manual ScratchMITScratchEd Team, HGSE Scratch Curriculum Guide ScratchJrTufts and MITCurricula Site SnapBerkeleyEDC, Waltham
App Inventor (appinventor.mit.edu) Android Platform Block Based Powerful Platform for Building Apps Curriculum Applications: ◦AP Mobile CS Principles (Grades 11-12) ◦Entrepreneurship Course (Grades 6-12) ◦Technovation Challenge (Grades 6-12 and Higher Ed)
Scratch (scratch.mit.edu) Web Based and Computer Download Block Based Low Floor and High Ceiling for ages Curriculum Potential: ◦ExploringCS (Grades 9-10)ExploringCS ◦Interactive Storytelling, Animation and Game Development ◦“Think Creatively, Reason Systematically and Work Collaboratively”
Pencil Code (pencilcode.net) Web Based Based on CoffeeScript Open Source with upside resource potential Curriculum Potential: ◦Web Design (HTML and CSS) ◦Exploring Mathematical Functions ◦Art and Music Design ◦“devoted to advancing computer science education by making programming as simple and as universal as using a pencil.”
ScratchJr (scratchjr.org) App For iPads, Android Tablets and Chromebooks Based on Scratch Ages 4-8, but works great with upper grade learning buddies Curriculum Potential: ◦Common Core Math and ELA ◦Art and Music Design ◦Essential CS concepts (e.g. sequence, algorithm, loops, precision, debugging) ◦“solve problems, design projects, and express themselves creatively on the computer” ◦Plug: Presentation today same room Session C
Time Out to Join Join CSTA national - Join CSTA Greater Boston - Join CSTA Western MA – join the listserv: Join CS10K - Join ScratchEd -
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