YOU TEACH Lessons from Quarter 1
Overview Your group will be responsible for teaching the class during one full block (approximately 70 minutes) between November 8 th and November 15 th. You will pick your day and your concept at random.
Topics context clues/ making inferences/ drawing conclusions figurative language (all types) author’s purpose/ mood/ tone characterization/ plot/ theme symbolism/ irony
Structure Your team leader will report to me daily about the progress of your group. This person will also be responsible for making sure due dates are followed. Delegate responsibilities so that each member carries equal weight. Each group member should have duties to complete at home throughout the week. Team LeaderOther group members
Objective and Essential Question – what do you want the students to learn? How will they learn these objectives? Hope you had a great break!! Please sit in YOUR assigned seat
How will they learn it? How will you know they learned it? November 2 nd
How specifically will you add rigor, relevance, and differentiation to your lesson? LESSON PLAN DRAFT DUE AT END OF CLASS. November 3 rd
What would you do if they did not learn the material? November 4 th
FINAL lesson plan due (with any revisions made) November 5 th
Please remember… You must include all parts of the lesson plan in your lesson. Things like warm-ups, assessments, homework, etc. are NOT optional. You will be responsible for: all materials monitoring time and behavior being fully prepared making sure your lesson flows smoothly
This assignment will be a major grade, and you will need to refer to the rubric often as you plan to ensure that you are covering all your bases. I want you to enjoy this time to be leaders but also to take the task seriously. Remember that I will be grading everything you do. YAY!