1 Significant SEN Changes, Norfolk’s New SEN Policy Tom Savory Assistant Director, Safeguarding & Additional Needs Michael Bateman Additional Needs Strategy & Commissioning Manager
2 Significant SEN Changes, Norfolk’s New SEN Policy Context –Reminder of key elements of the Additional Needs Project to date, decisions taken and next steps –Summary of new SEN Policy: intentions / outcomes – direction of travel – collective transformation of culture, behaviours and expectations across Norfolk’s SEN system 20 minutes approx briefing on: –Scope and Timeline of Additional Needs Project –Overview of redesigned SEN Services –Overview of new SEN funding model for schools / clusters –Q&A 40 mins approx discussion on: –Opportunities for new ways of working through clusters –Communication plan including parents –Arrangements for reviewing first year of devolved/delegated arrangements
3 NCC SEN Services: funding reduction and service redesign 100% delegation of SEN funding to schools / clusters New SEN legislative framework: White Paper on SEN & Disability The need to transform culture, behaviours and expectations across Norfolk’s SEN System Context
4 Timeline April 2012 –Indicative cluster SEN budgets June 2012 –Implementation of redesigned CS ‘SEN Services’ Operational Teams May to July 2012 September 2012 –SEN Funding devolved to Clusters (excluding Learning Support Team) September 2013 –SEN Funding delegated to Clusters (including Learning Support Team)
5 January 2012 –Children’s Services Leadership Team – Decision on SEN Service Redesign –NCC Cabinet – Decision on Delegation of SEN Funding to School Clusters February to April 2012 –Produce guidance for operation of cluster governance –Produce guidance on operation of devolved / delegated arrangements –Revised cluster budget / accounting arrangements –Indicative cluster SEN budgets –Ongoing briefings to Parents / Schools / Staff for new SEN policy May to July 2012 –Revised Criteria for Statutory Assessment –Revised Annual Review guidance –‘Toolkits’ for SEN Cluster arrangements –Implementation of redesigned CS ‘SEN Services’ Operational Teams, including EPSS “Core Offer” –Ongoing briefings to Parents / Schools / Staff for new SEN policy Timeline
6 September to December 2012 –SEN Funding devolved to Clusters (excluding Learning Support Team) –Ongoing review / options for Learning Support Team delegation and traded options for Educational Psychology & Specialist Support (EPSS) –Ongoing LA support for, review of, initial SEN Cluster arrangements January to July 2013 –Decision on delegation model for Learning Support Team / traded model for EPSS –Planning for implementation of Learning Support Team delegation and traded options for EPSS –Ongoing LA support for, review of, initial SEN Cluster arrangements September 2013 –SEN Funding delegated to Clusters (including Learning Support Team) Timeline
7 Norfolk Provision for SEN in Maintained Mainstream Schools
8 LevelGateResources and Provision L 1 Age Weighted Pupil Allowance (AWPA)
9 LevelGateResources and Provision L 2 School Specific Allocation (SSA) 1 L 1 Age Weighted Pupil Allowance (AWPA) Gate-keeping via Headteacher and SENCo
10 LevelGateResources and Provision L 3 SEN Cluster Funding Pupil Specific Funding (PSF): transitional only 2 L 2 School Specific Allocation (SSA) 1 L 1 Age Weighted Pupil Allowance (AWPA) Gate-keeping via Headteacher and SENCo Gate-keeping via Cluster Total Fund of £16.3 million in Year 1 (FY2012/13) to be split: £2.2 million SEN Cluster £14.1 million PSF transition £0.11 million ECF rising to £0.3 million in final model
11 LevelGateResources and Provision L 4 Exceptional Circumstances Funding 3 L 3 SEN Cluster Funding Pupil Specific Funding (PSF): transitional only 2 L 2 School Specific Allocation (SSA) 1 L 1 Age Weighted Pupil Allowance (AWPA) Gate-keeping via Headteacher and SENCo Gate-keeping via Cluster Gate-keeping via Termly Meeting of SEN & Early Years Panel with Cluster Representation, for: SENDIST decisions Sudden & Significant Medical Needs High Level Needs “mover in” Total Fund of £16.3 million in Year 1 (FY2012/13) to be split: £2.2 million SEN Cluster £14.1 million PSF transition £0.11 million ECF rising to £0.3 million in final model
12 Discussion: What do these changes mean to each of us in Norfolk’s SEN System? June 2012: The redesigned NCC CS SEN Services will be implemented and a new Criteria for Statutory Assessment will begin – both will require more children’s needs to be met at School Action Plus –As we begin the transfer of PSF to Clusters how can we ensure that the investment of £30 million, of school money for SEN in mainstream schools, is targeted for prevention, early intervention and secures provision for those children with most significant needs? September 2012: the transition to delegate the £16 million of PSF fully to School Clusters will begin –What are the opportunities that arise from partnership working via Clusters? How can we all work together to be innovative and improve outcomes for all children with SEN?
13 Ongoing: we have started a communication strategy to ensure that the main Parent groups in Norfolk are aware of these changes. They are also continuing to work with us to develop our new ways of working –How can we take the opportunity, with our new policy for SEN in Norfolk and our anticipation of a new government strategy for SEN, to increase parental confidence that their children’s needs are being met? –We plan to offer a secondment to a Headteacher to assist us with this project over the next 12 months, working alongside the LA strategically to ensure that the implementation of this new policy and our review of year 1 is informed directly from a school perspective. What should this role focus on and are you interested ! ? Discussion: What do these changes mean to each of us in Norfolk’s SEN System?
14 Thank you for your input today Michael Bateman Additional Needs Strategy & Commissioning Manager Tel: If you have any further queries / suggestions please feel free to contact me: