Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) The index, the results and where next Our Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh 6 th November 2007 Matt Perkins Office of the Chief Statistician, The Scottish Government
Outline The Index –Background –Methodology –Use of the SIMD The Results –15% Most Deprived –Local Authority Where next
The Index
What is the SIMD? The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation identifies small area concentrations of multiple deprivation across all of Scotland The Index allows effective targeting of policies and funding where the aim is to wholly or partly tackle or take account of area concentrations of multiple deprivation
The history 2002 –SE commissioned work from SDRC 2003 –SE publish SIMD 2003 (ward level) 2004 –Data zones produced by St Andrews University –SE publish SIMD 2004 (data zone level) 2006 –SE publish SIMD 2006 (data zone level)
SIMD 2003 Similar methodology used across UK 5 domains –Income Deprivation (30%) –Employment Deprivation (30%) –Health Deprivation and Disability (15%) –Education, Skills and Training Deprivation (15%) –Geographical Access to Services (10%) Other domains excluded due to data availability Ward sizes and boundary issues
Data zones and Population Geographical unit built up from 2001 census output areas Fixed boundaries Median population size = 769 6,505 data zones in Scotland SIMD 2004 used Census 2001 SIMD 2006 used 2004 Small Area Population Estimates (Source: GROS) Ongoing monitoring of SAPEs
Data zones: rural and urban
SIMD (data zone level) -Background Administrative data sources Combines individual indicators into ‘domains’ and overall index rank Rank 1 = most deprived, 6,505 = least deprived The most deprived 976 areas are the 15% most deprived in Scotland and these tend to be the focus of policies and funding
SIMD Domains, 31 indicators –Income –Employment –Health –Education –Housing –Access to Services 2001 and 2002 Census & administrative data
SIMD update: 2006 Update to SIMD 2004 Improvements to methodology and data sources –Changes to tax credit system –New public transport data –New crime domain using 2004 crime data 7 subject areas / ‘domains’: 37 indicators Shows relative changes between SIMD 2004 and 2006
Income Deprivation Domain Not measuring income Based on benefits data –Income support adults and children –Guarantee Pension Credit adults –Job Seekers Allowance adults and children 2004 used WFTC and DTC data Data zone SAPE –Total population
Employment Deprivation Domain No change to 2004 indicators Based on benefits data –Unemployment Claimant Count 12 month average –Incapacity Benefit recipients Working age –Severe Disablement Allowance Working age –Compulsory New Deal Participants Data zone SAPE –Working age population
Crime Domain Data published for the first time Relevant to Neighbourhood Deprivation ‘SIMD crime’ not ‘Total Crime’ –Crimes of violence –Drug Offences –Domestic Housebreaking –Minor Assault –Vandalism Does not include crimes in/near police station Total populations – rate per 10,000
Housing Deprivation Domain Census data –No change since SIMD 2004 –Persons in households which are overcrowded –Persons in households without central heating Data zone SAPE –Total population
Health Deprivation Domain Indicators used: –Standardised Mortality Ratio –Hospital Episodes related to alcohol use –Hospital Episodes related to drug use –Comparative Illness Factor –Emergency Admissions to Hospital –Proportion of population being prescribed drugs for anxiety, depression or psychosis –Proportion of live singleton births of low birth weight Methodological changes since 2004 Combined using factor analysis
Education Deprivation Domain Indicators –School pupil absences –Pupil Performance on SQA at Stage 4 –Working age people with no qualifications –17-21 year olds enrolling into HE –People ages not in full time education Changes to 3 indicators Populations relevant to indicator Combined using factor analysis
Access to Services Domain Drive Times –GP –Shopping facilities (Supermarket in 2004) –Petrol Station –Primary and Secondary Schools (Primary only in 2004) –Post Office Public Transport (Not included in SIMD 2004) –GP –Shopping Facilities –Post Office Population weighted based on COAs Factor analysis within sub-domains
Domains and Weightings Domainsweight % of overall weightDomainsweight % of overall weight Current Income629Current Income1228 Employment629Employment1228 Health314Health614 Education, Skills and training314 Education, Skills and training614 Geographic Access and Telecommunications 210Geographic Access:49 ~ Drive times 0.75 ~ Public transport times 0.25 Housing Crime25
The index does … ….pick out area concentrations of multiple deprivation ….provide a ‘scale’ of deprivation See SIMD 2006 Guidance Leaflet for advice on appropriate use of the index The index does not… ….describe how much more deprived one area is than another ….make absolute comparisons over time, BUT individual indicators and the employment domain can be used ….measure affluence – least deprived areas are not necessarily ‘rich’ areas ….pick out deprived individuals - Not all deprived people live in the most deprived areas, and not all those living in deprived areas are deprived ….answer all deprivation questions
Uses of the SIMD Raise profile & understanding of multiple deprivation across TSG, agencies, LAs & public Inform & influence policies which tackle or take account of concentrations of multiple deprivation - CtOG community regeneration target - Regeneration Outcome Agreements and the CRF - Linking opportunity and need - Health - anticipatory care Funding allocations –Community Regeneration Fund –Housing investment –Local gov. GAE (mostly income domain) Public sector use: SHEFC, Academia and Research, School Projects, Many others…
The Results
SIMD 2006 Results – National Share* Local authority areas with the largest national share of the 15% most deprived in SIMD 2006 are –Glasgow City (34 per cent) –North Lanarkshire (9 per cent) –Edinburgh, City of (6 per cent) –South Lanarkshire (6 per cent) –Dundee City (5 per cent) –Fife (5 per cent) Eilean Siar, Moray, Orkney Islands and Shetland Islands do not have any data zones in the SIMD % most deprived *The national share is the proportion data zones in the 15% most deprived for each Local Authority
SIMD 2006 – National Share (part 1) SIMD 2004SIMD 2006 Data Zones in LA Data zones in 15% MD % National share Data zones in 15% MD % National share Glasgow City % % North Lanarkshire %848.6% Edinburgh, City of %636.5% South Lanarkshire %565.7% Dundee City %535.4% Fife %474.8% Inverclyde %424.3% Renfrewshire %363.7% North Ayrshire %333.4% West Dunbartonshire %333.4% East Ayrshire %282.9% *The national share is the proportion data zones in the 15% most deprived for each Local Authority
National Share of deprived data zones by LA The national share is the local authority’s share of the 15% most deprived data zones in Scotland
SIMD 2006 Results – Local Share* Local authority areas with the largest local share of the 15% most deprived in SIMD 2006 are –Glasgow City (48 per cent) –Inverclyde (38 per cent) –Dundee City (30 per cent) –West Dunbartonshire (28 per cent) –Clackmannanshire (23 per cent) –North Lanarkshire (20 per cent) Eilean Siar, Moray, Orkney Islands and Shetland Islands do not have any data zones in the SIMD % most deprived * The local share is the proportion of data zones in a local authority area that are in the 15% most deprived
Local authority areas with more than 15 per cent local share of data zones in the 15% most deprived in the overall SIMD 2006 Local Authority Number of data zones in LA 15% most deprived data zones SIMD 2004SIMD 2006 No of data zones Local share (%) No of data zones Local share (%) Glasgow City Inverclyde Dundee City West Dunbartonshire Clackmannanshire North Lanarkshire East Ayrshire North Ayrshire Renfrewshire The local share is the proportion of data zones in a local authority area that are in the 15% most deprived in Scotland
15% most deprived data zones: change between SIMD 2004 and SIMD 2006 Of the 976 data zones in the 15% most deprived in SIMD 2004: –856 (88%) remained in the 15% most deprived areas in the SIMD 2006 –120 new data zones moved in and 120 moved out of the 15% most deprived areas Of the 120 data zones moving in to the 15% most deprived areas in the SIMD 2006: –Over 80 are ranked in the 15% most deprived for three or more SIMD 2006 domains and 89 (74%) were in the 15% to 20% in the SIMD 2004 Of the 120 data zones moving out of the 15% most deprived in SIMD 2004: –The proportion of working age population employment deprived decreased in 113 (94%) of the 120 data zones –94 (78%) moved to % and 112 (93%) moved to %
Distribution of employment deprived* population *Claiming Incapacity Benefit or Severe Disablement Allowance or on unemployment claimant count or New Deal participants. Not ‘worklessness’ and not ‘unemployed’
What was published Hardcopy and online general report with initial analysis Online technical report Hardcopy and online guidance leaflet An online interactive mapping website An online Statistical Compendium of tables, charts and maps Online background data for SIMD 2006
Website: overview
Interactive mapping
Interactive mapping
15% most deprived data zones in Edinburgh
SIMD 2006 – Overall rank
SIMD 2006 – Income rank
SIMD 2006 – Employment rank
SIMD 2006 – Health rank
SIMD 2006 – Education rank
SIMD 2006 – Housing rank
SIMD 2006 – Access rank
SIMD 2006 – Crime rank
Where next
The future SIMD 2006 –Analysis of results Social Focus on Deprived Areas –Continuing to promote index –Ensuring correct use of index –Assisting users SIMD 2009 –Update on SIMD 2006 –2007/2008 data –Housing data –Crime data
ANY QUESTIONS? Contacts: Neighbourhood Statistics (SNS & SIMD) Tel: Matt Perkins Tel:
SIMD 2004SIMD 2006 Data Zones in LA Data zones in 15% MD % National share Data zones in 15% MD % National share Aberdeen City %272.8% Falkirk %191.9% Highland %171.7% Clackmannanshire %151.5% West Lothian %141.4% South Ayrshire %131.3% Dumfries & Galloway %111.1% Argyll & Bute %101.0% Perth & Kinross %90.9% Angus %80.8% Stirling %70.7% SIMD 2006 – National Share (part 2)
SIMD 2004SIMD 2006 Data Zones in LA Data zones in 15% MD % National share Data zones in 15% MD % National share Aberdeenshire %60.6% Midlothian %50.5% East Renfrewshire %30.3% East Dunbartonshire %30.3% Scottish Borders %30.3% East Lothian %10.1% Eilean Siar3600.0%0 Moray %0 Orkney Islands2700.0%0 Shetland Islands3000.0%0 SIMD 2006 – National Share (part 3)
Local Authorities with between 5 and 15% local share of data zones in the 15% most deprived in the overall SIMD 2006 Local Authority Number of data zones in LA 15% most deprived data zones SIMD 2004SIMD 2006 No of data zonesLocal share (%)No of data zonesLocal share (%) South Lanarkshire Edinburgh, City of Fife Aberdeen City Falkirk West Lothian South Ayrshire Argyll & Bute Stirling Dumfries & Galloway Highland Angus Perth & Kinross
Local authorities with less than 5% local share of data zones in the 15% most deprived in the overall SIMD 2006 Local Authority Number of data zones in LA 15% most deprived data zones SIMD 2004SIMD 2006 No of data zones Local share (%) No of data zones Local share (%) Midlothian East Renfrewshire East Dunbartonshire Scottish Borders Aberdeenshire East Lothian Moray Eilean Siar Orkney Islands Shetland Islands