Administration Code Changes to Incorporate Graywater Policy Principles Jayne Joy, P.E. Director, Environmental & Regulatory Compliance January 2016 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 1
Agenda Review Previously Adopted Graywater Policy Principles Recommended Changes in the Administrative Code 2
Review Previously Adopted Graywater Policy Principles EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 3
Review of Adopted Policy Principles Graywater System Policy Principles (Adopted November 18, 2015) o EMWD has adopted a strategic objective to treat and reuse 100% of its wastewater to beneficially serve recycled water demands. o Wastewater collected and treated by EMWD in its service area provides the source water for EMWD’s recycled water system. o The use of graywater systems in residential and commercial areas where EMWD provides sewer service does not provide any water conservation benefit, because this water is being recycled for beneficial use by EMWD. o Graywater systems in residential and commercial areas where EMWD provides sewer service negatively impact the sewer collection and wastewater treatment systems due to reduced carriage flows, higher solids concentrations, and increased sewage strength. Such impacts potentially lead to higher operation and maintenance costs for customers with no water supply benefit. 4
Review of Adopted Policy Principles Graywater System Policy Principles (Adopted November 18, 2015) o Because of impacts on EMWD’s water supply, operations and sewer system customer costs, graywater systems will not be allowed in residential or commercial units connecting to EMWD’s sewer system. o In areas not connected to EMWD’s sewer system, graywater systems will be allowed providing that systems: Fully comply with the State of California Plumbing Code; Meet all County of Riverside Environmental Health Permitting requirements; and Comply with EMWD’s cross connection program requirements. 5
Recommended Changes in the Administrative Code EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 6
Administrative Code Changes Administrative Code Changes as it relates to Waste Discharge and Sewer Use, as follows: o Amend Section to include a definition for graywater: “Graywater” means untreated wastewater which has not been contaminated by toilets, dishwashers, or kitchen sinks. Sources may also include, but not be limited to, wastewater from bathtubs, showers, bathroom sinks, and laundry machines.” 7
Administrative Code Changes Administrative Code Changes as it relates to Waste Discharge and Sewer Use, as follows: o Amend Section to include the restriction of graywater systems in sewer service areas: “Graywater systems installed by residential or commercial customers connecting directly or indirectly to a District sewer system shall not be allowed. Graywater system installation by such customers not directly or indirectly connecting to a District sewer system may be authorized providing that such systems comply with all applicable federal, state, and local codes, ordinances, and permitting requirements, and conform to all District requirements for the prevention of a cross-connection between potable and non-potable water systems.” 8
Recommendation Proposed Board Action o Adopt the proposed resolution amending the Administrative Code as it relates to Waste Discharge and Sewer Use to Incorporate the Graywater Policy Principles, as presented. 9
Contact Information EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Jayne Joy, P.E. Director, Environmental & Regulatory Compliance (951) X